Over 40 Years Very Old Tawny Port

Van Zellers: Over 40 Years Very Old Tawny Port

Zum Winzer

Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz, diverse autochthone Reben
rot, süss
20,0% Vol.
Verpackt in: 6er
seidig & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 97–98/100
Parker: 95/100
Suckling: 95/100
Portugal, Douro
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Over 40 Years Very Old Tawny Port


Lobenberg: Sensationell in seiner caramellogen Cremigkeit und madeirartigen Finesse. Der Stoff steht für Minuten und verzückt nachhaltig. 97-98/100


Parker über: Over 40 Years Very Old Tawny Port

-- Parker: The NV 40 Years Very Old Tawny Port is a field blend from vines averaging 35 years in age. It was bottled in November 2019 with a long cork and 105 grams of residual sugar. This was juicier and more expressive than the relatively stern 30 Year this issue on the first pours, but they came closer together. The 30 Year has good acidity too. This 40 Year does eventually show a bit more maturity and complexity to go with its lively demeanor, but it seems almost as fresh as the 30 Year and a bit less austere. Delicious at the same time, it touches all the bases. That includes the very long finish, of course. There is plenty of power as well. This is a big winner in its somewhat mouthwatering style. This does have a small edge over the 30, but they both are great and reasonable minds might differ. 95/100


Suckling über: Over 40 Years Very Old Tawny Port

-- Suckling: Medium amber hue. Concentrated and deep nose and palate, showing a wide spectrum of aromas and flavors. Caramel, sourdough, Brazil nuts, dried persimmons, figs and licorice. Really intense and smooth on the palate with fine, creamy tannins and a lengthy finish that goes on for almost a minute. Drink now.

Weingut über: Over 40 Years Very Old Tawny Port

-- Weingut: Over 40 Years Very Old Tawny Port is a blend of old Ports with an average age of over 40 years, aged in very old wooden casks. Van Zellers & Co. Over 40 Years Very Old Tawny Port is bottled on demand, making it possible for all to enjoy this beautiful Port over many years, sharing with us their natural evolution throughout time. Powerful fragrance, delicate fruit and raisins, toasted toffee and chocolate, touch of spice, rich, intense, voluptuous. Serve slightly chilled.

Mein Winzer

Van Zellers

Mit einer Geschichte, die bis ins Jahr 1620 zurückreicht, ist Van Zellers eines der ältesten Portweinhäuser überhaupt. Es ist heute noch immer ein Familienbetrieb, der aktuell bereits in 14. und 15. Generation von Douro-Ikone Cristiano und seiner Tochter Francisca Van Zeller geführt wird.