Saffredi 2013

Le Pupille Saffredi 2013


Zum Winzer

Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Alicante
rot, trocken
14,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2017–2035
Verpackt in: 6er OHK
voluminös & kräftig
Lobenberg: 96/100
Suckling: 98/100
Parker: 98/100
Galloni: 95+/100
Falstaff: 94/100
Italien, Toscana, Maremma
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Saffredi 2013


Lobenberg: Florale und erdige Aromen harmonieren mit roten Beeren, sehr weich und tief, druckvoll und einer der kraftvollsten Weine der Toscana. 96/100


Suckling über: Saffredi

-- Suckling: This is another great Saffredi following the perfect 100-point 2012. I tasted it a year ago and thought it was sensational. Even better now. It's so dense and structured yet shows a lively, jazz-like vibe that gives it form and beauty. Needs at least four to five years to soften. Powerful and muscular. Cabernet sauvignon, merlot and petit verdot. 98/100


Parker über: Saffredi

-- Parker: There's a lot to say, and admire, about the 2013 Saffredi. First off all, this is the first growing cycle made under the careful watch of enologist Luca D'Attoma. This makes all the difference. One of his changes is an increased focus on Petit Verdot, which makes up to 15% of the blend in this case. The other grapes used are Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. But the increased role of Petit Verdot has awarded this vintage with stunning precision, linearity and balance. It's like a light switch has suddenly been turned on. Petit Verdot on the Tuscan Coast tends to show softer and fuller lines. In this wine, you taste the tonic crunchiness of the grape skins instead. The dark concentration of the wine is pleasurable and rich, and there's a final acidic signature that closes the deal in style. Congratulations. 98/100


Galloni über: Saffredi

-- Galloni: The 2013 Saffredi is every bit as special from bottle as it was when I first tasted it in barrel. Wonderfully fresh, vibrant and nuanced, the 2013 possesses striking depth to match its explosive personality. A rush of blue and purplish-hued fruits, licorice, spice and new leather built into the powerful, deeply layered finish. The 2013 is a superb edition of the flagship Saffredi. It's as simple as that. 95+/100


Falstaff über: Saffredi

-- Falstaff: Glänzendes, intensives Rubin mit Violettschimmer. Eröffnet mit Noten nach satten, dunklen Brombeeren, nach Tabak und Schokolade, im Hintergrund feine Karamellnoten. Am Gaumen fest und zupackend, zeigt viel fleischiges Tannin, satt, dunkle Beerenfrucht, spannt einen weiten Bogen, im Finale fester Druck. 94/100

Mein Winzer

Le Pupille

Elisabetta Gepetti ist mit ihrem Weingut so gut eingespielt wie die Säure und der Alkohol in ihrem Wein. Sie ist eine hartnäckige Verfechterin der Qualität und immer mit absoluter Leidenschaft bei der Sache.

Saffredi 2013