van Zellers & Co CV Curriculum Vitae 2007

van Zellers Quinta Vale Dona Maria van Zellers & Co CV Curriculum Vitae 2007


Zum Winzer

diverse autochthone Reben
rot, trocken
15,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2010–2028
Verpackt in: 6er OHK
voluminös & kräftig
Lobenberg: 95–96/100
Parker: 93/100
Portugal, Douro
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
van Zellers & Co CV Curriculum Vitae 2007


Lobenberg: Aromen werden großzügig feil geboten. Das tiefe Purpur scheint am Glas zu kleben. Verführerisch frische Johannisbeeraromen und Blaubeeraromen strömen ätherisch aus dem Glas. Die Aromen gleiten schwerelos auf einem nahezu perfekten Säurespiel dahin. Dieser Jahrgang des CV macht noch einmal deutlich, dass wahre Größe oft von toller Balance bestimmt ist. 95-96/100

Katalog über: van Zellers & Co CV Curriculum Vitae

-- Katalog: -- Parker: The 2007 CV (Curriculum Vitae) is a Douro field blend, some 20 grapes identified according to owner Cristiano van Zeller, aged in 90% new oak. This is usually the biggest wine in the stable, and so, too, here. It comes in at 15.5% alcohol, and has plenty of everything—oak, tannin and density of fruit. Usually, there is no problem with this wine being in balance despite its size, but the alcohol is obvious on opening this year, at war with the sweet and quite delicious fruit. Despite that, while this was the wine on opening that I thought was most problematic, it was also the wine in this stable that showed best with the longest aeration on Day 1, and retained its depth and focus best on Day 2—not to deny that there was always some noticeable alcohol, which constrains my enthusiasm and makes me a little cautious. There were moments when it was very stereotypical Barossa Shiraz-like. For the most part, it still holds its own pretty nicely, showing remarkable richness, ripe fruit, sweet oak and good depth. Many will adore it, and don't misunderstand—it is big and rich, but it is not a caricature of a wine. The question is going to be how it evolves. 93/100

Mein Winzer

Quinta Vale Dona Maria

Gelegen im traumhaftem Vale do Rio Torto in Cima Corgo, mitten im Herzen der Douro-Region. 1996 zwangen Erbstreitigkeiten die Familie Lemos zum Verkauf, was sich Cristiano van Zeller, der wohl charismatischste und ehrgeizigste Winzer Portugals neben Dirk Niepoort, nicht entgehen lassen konnte. Als...

van Zellers & Co CV Curriculum Vitae 2007