Colheita Port 2004

Niepoort: Colheita Port 2004

diverse autochthone Reben, Sousao, Tinta Amarela, Tinta Francisca, Tinta Roriz, Tinto Cao, Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional
rot, süss
20,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2019–2054
Verpackt in: 6er
pikant & würzig
Decanter: 96/100
Jancis Robinson: 17,5/20
Parker: 91/100
Portugal, Douro
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Decanter über: Colheita Port

-- Decanter: With its honey, praline and cedar nose, and ruddy, conker-sheen hue, this single-vintage Tawny thoroughly beguiles. Sweet gingerbread, caramelised orange, lightly peppery pear skin and fine dark chocolate bring nuance and depth to this most balanced of Ports. Mellifluous, controlled, never broad, it is ever so lingering. Aged in in old Port pipes until 2018, it was bottled long after the minimum Colheita ageing period of seven years. 96/100


Jancis Robinson über: Colheita Port

-- Jancis Robinson: Intense aroma of dried apricots, a hint of burnt toffee, caramelised orange. Fabulous concentration and complexity as well as great freshness and a real lightness of touch on the finish. The tannins add extra energy and freshness. Full of life and perfectly balanced between sweetness and freshness. Knowing the Niepoort Colheitas, this will probably live a lot longer than I have suggested. 17,5/20


Parker über: Colheita Port

-- Parker: The 2004 Colheita Tawny Port was bottled in 2018 with a long cork and approximately 90 grams of residual sugar. Showing a bit more firmness than the 2007 but not quite its seductive texture, this an easy tawny that is slightly deeper than a typical 10 but not really approaching a 20 in quality. Which you like better is mostly a matter of taste, but I liked the little bit of extra concentration here, as compared to the 2007. 91/100

Mein Winzer


Seit Dirk Niepoort, Nachfahre einer seit Generationen in Portugal lebenden holländischen Familie, 1987 im Betrieb Verantwortung übernahm, gehört das Weingut sicher wieder zu den Top-Adressen Portugals. Dirk Niepoort ist nicht nur ein genialer Rotweinerzeuger, der mit »Batuta« und »Charme« zwei...