Y Chateau d'Yquem 2018

Y Chateau d'Yquem 2018

Zum Winzer

Sauvignon Blanc 75%, Semillon 25%
weiß, trocken
14,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2021–2040
Verpackt in: 6er OHK
exotisch & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 97+/100
Wine Spectator: 95/100
Parker: 95/100
Decanter: 94/100
Jane Anson: 94/100
Frankreich, Bordeaux, Sauternes
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Y Chateau d'Yquem 2018


Lobenberg: Ultra rarer und berühmt legendärer trockener Weißwein von Yquem, der nicht in jedem Jahr gemacht wird. Ganz typisches Nasenbild der großen trockenen Weine Bordeauxs aus Pessac Leognan. Reifes Steinobst, subtile Grassigkeit und wieder reifer Apfel. Wunderbar präsentes Tannin, schönes Gleichgewicht zwischen Kraft, Frische und Frucht. Ausgezeichnete Länge und ganz eigene Stilistik. Nur etwas für jene, die noch neugierig sind und es wirklich noch mal wissen wollen. Da Sauternes nur eine Appelation für süße Weine ist, kommt dieses Phantom als ordinärer Bordeaux blanc auf den Markt. So etwas ist wohl wahres Understatement. 97+/100


Wine Spectator über: Y Chateau d'Yquem

-- Wine Spectator: This has a fresh, floral aroma, with honeysuckle and elderflower notes leading the way, followed by a rather creamy, refined palate of kiwifruit, makrut lime and verbena flavors. As the finish glides through, this offers hints of quinine, acacia and white peach. Shows beautiful range and definition, with serious length. Sauvignon Blanc and Sémillon. Drink now through 2026. 833 cases made. 95/100


Decanter über: Y Chateau d'Yquem

-- Decanter: For the third time in its history, this was entirely harvested in August (mainly 23 to 28, but the first berries were picked on August 13 - the earliest date ever). Rich fruit, lovely acidity and salinity on the finish, shot through with honeysuckle and clear citrus. They harvest Y in the same way as Yquem, where it is grape by grape rather than vine by vine, and sometimes grapes from the same bunch goes on to make Yquem later. 3.15pH. Also tasted September 2020; same score. 94/100


Jane Anson über: Y Chateau d'Yquem

-- Jane Anson: White pear, honeysuckle, elderflower, quince, rich lemon, with a bitter edge of orange peel. This is starting to deepen at three years old, and show a richer texture than when I last tasted it in November 2020. It's unquestionably one of the great whites of Bordeaux, although extremely low yields in 2018. Harvest began on August 13, the earliest date ever, with the majority of the whites coming in from August 23 to 28, harvested grape by grape as per the main sweet estate wine - meaning that grapes from the same bunch can later go on to make Yquem. 94/100

Mein Winzer

Chateau d’Yquem

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Y Chateau d'Yquem 2018