Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone 2017

Poliziano Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone 2017

Zum Winzer

Sangiovese 100%
rot, trocken
15,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2021–2035
Verpackt in: 6er
voluminös & kräftig
frische Säure
Lobenberg: 94+/100
Galloni: 95/100
Suckling: 94/100
Wine Enthusiast: 94/100
Parker: 92/100
Wine Spectator: 92/100
Decanter: 92/100
Italien, Toscana, Chianti und Vino Nobile
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone 2017


Lobenberg: Oft ist dieser modische, offene und warme sortenreine Sangiovese mir etwas zu lasch. Aber dieser weist neben den Aromen von Gewürzen, Schwarzkirschen und Waldbeeren ein sehr robustes Tanningerüst auf. Man darf davon ausgehen, dass dieser Primus inter pares unter den Vino Nobiles doch deutlich langlebiger sein wird, als so mancher Vorgängerjahrgang, so einen schönen Tannineindruck hinterlässt er am Gaumen. Einem frühen Trinkvergnügen tut dies aber keinen Abbruch. Hier scheint sich anzudeuten, dass man sich bei Poliziano keineswegs auf den eigenen Lorbeeren ausruht. Bravo! 94+/100


Galloni über: Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone

-- Galloni: The 2017 Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone is ample and creamy, with all of the natural radiance of the year on display. Ripe red cherry, rose petal, cedar, lavender and spice all build as this extroverted Vino Nobile shows off its considerable allure. Even with all of its exotic beauty, the 2017 retains quite a bit of energy and plenty of structure, with a good deal of translucent vibrancy as well. In a word: superb. 95/100


Suckling über: Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone

-- Suckling: A generous, beautiful Vino Nobile with cherry, walnut and chocolate character. Firm, lightly chewy tannins give this wine form and verve. It’s long and lively with beautiful firmness and polish. Drinkable now, but better in 2022. 94/100


Wine Enthusiast über: Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone

-- Wine Enthusiast: Aromas of ripe black-skinned fruit, menthol and French oak form the alluring nose. On the firm, full-bodied palate, tightly knit, close-grained tannins accompany ripe Marasca cherry, orange zest, roasted coffee bean and star anise. It's densely structured but also has a weightless vibrancy. Drink 2023–2029. 94/100


Parker über: Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone

-- Parker: The 2017 Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone is the newest edition of one of the classic and historic wines of the appellation. This hot-vintage expression shows soft, velvety and dark fruit with plenty of cherry and blackberry. Asinone was conceived as a modern and contemporary expression of Vino Nobile, and it remains that today. Like many of its peers, I found the tannins to be less integrated in 2017, and I would recommend a hearty meat pairing to counter some of that astringency. 92/100


Wine Spectator über: Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone

-- Wine Spectator: Featuring black cherry, black currant, tar and iron flavors, this vibrant, fruity style is dense and balanced, with a long, mouthwatering finish. Best from 2022 through 2039. 3,000 cases made, 250 cases imported. 92/100


Decanter über: Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone

-- Decanter: The Asinone vineyard sits on an ancient hill that was once surrounded by sea. The clay soil is rich in fossils and minerals, yielding small bunches with small berries and thick skins that give substantial structure. It is still a bit closed, though aromas of macerated cherry and vanilla poke through. The palate brings in some savoury notes along with plum and cedar. Robust, intense and dense with austere, forceful tannins, this mouthful will need some time in the cellar. 92/100

Mein Winzer


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Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone 2017