Saarburger Rausch Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel 2010

Forstmeister Geltz Zilliken: Saarburger Rausch Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel 2010

Zum Winzer

Riesling 100%
weiß, süß
7,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2020–2060
Verpackt in: 12er
sehr süss
exotisch & aromatisch
frische Säure
Lobenberg: 100/100
Gault Millau: 98/100
Parker: 97/100
Gerstl: 20/20
Deutschland, Mosel Saar Ruwer
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Saarburger Rausch Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel 2010


Lobenberg: Sehr dicht und fast steinig im Nasenbild. Nichts deutet auf viel Frucht und Süße hin, doch langsam entwickelt sich ein Bouquet von getrockneten Früchten und Akazienhonig. Im Antrunk seidig, kompakt und schlank mit immer mehr Zitrusaromen. Immer erfrischender wirkend. Immenser Nachhall, in dem die Frische zum wiederholten Male richtig Fahrt aufnimmt und unglaublich lang wird. Eine grandiose komplexe Auslese, wie ich sie fast noch nie probiert habe. 100/100


Parker über: Saarburger Rausch Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel

-- Parker: Figure on a good four decades of high-quality life. Zilliken’s 2010 Saarburger Rausch Riesling Auslese gold capsule A.P. #4 was, he assures me, rendered in a volume closer to what would associate in normal years with a Spatlese than with even a regular Auslese. “Here there was a lot more botrytis, yet the fruit was lower in acidity” than for the “regular” Auslesen, he notes by way of among other things explaining this wine’s caramel overtones and creaminess of texture. The nobly fungal, carnal, and musky notes that characterized the A.P. #5 are present here in spades, another obvious legacy of its advanced botrytization. Ennobled richness of caramelized peach and mango; concentrated lime and pink grapefruit; honeysuckle, rowan and orange blossom; as well as creamy and caressing textural allure improbable for this vintage (and given what is still extremely high acidity) are here allied to the sort of transparency to stony, saline, smoky, and crystalline nuances that was otherwise achieved in the present collection only “way back” with the Spatlese A.P. #8 This finishes with a shimmering cascade of fruit essences and mineral matter. I imagine it will dazzle over the next half century. Hanno and Dorothee Zilliken’s 2010 collection has served for some controversy in that they not only – like Schaefers in Graach – adopted the minority position that de-acidification should be to wine, not must, but also – in this respect unlike Schaefers – performed acid-adjustments throughout their residually sweet line-up. Not that the extreme nature of what they eventually bottled could possible fail in itself to raise eyebrows. To declare myself up front (not that this isn’t evident from my scores!): I found this year’s collection chez Zilliken utterly awesome and cannot imagine that somehow seeds of early decline or subsequent disappointment are harbored in any of these wines on account of their levels of acid having been trimmed from the perilous heights where nature had left them. The view is dizzying enough (as befits the name “Rausch”) at the altitudes Hanno Zilliken chose for these Rieslings’ flight paths. “It was the tiny, millerandaged berries with their thick skins and the extreme, protracted shriveling by wind and botrytis that characterized this vintage and that concentrated everything in the grapes including ripe acidity. But even such high extract and ripeness,” insists Zilliken, “often wouldn’t have sufficed to achieve balance. Maybe in their youth, but once the baby fat was gone the acids would have come through too aggressively.” He grants, though, that experience with acid levels as high as these was formerly confined to unripe vintages (such as several he suffered through when he took over his family’s estate in the 1980s) or Eiswein. “If you’re talking about a half a gram or one gram of acid adjustment, you’re talking there about 50 or 100 liters of totally de-acidified and filtered wine blended back into a thousand liter fuder, and I just don’t see any danger. For the first two weeks, all we did was seek- and pick-out shriveled material,” narrates Zilliken, who when I ask him about his “main harvest,” replies, laughing: “What harvest? There really wasn’t much left to do after that! But those grapes that did remain healthy and green were incredibly stable. We let them hang and then picked them at the very end for our dry wines which we didn’t de-acidify. There was no Q.b.A., Kabinett, or Spatlese (he means by must weight): Auslese was the least that we harvested. After the 2005s,” Zilliken sums-up, “we thought we could never again see such a vintage of superlatives; yet 2010 in some ways begins where 2005 left off.” Only in Pradikat-labeling did this differ from previous top Zilliken collections. Waiting for Eiswein was judged a fool’s errand since Eiswein-like concentration and acidity pervaded the lot, which in turn, Zilliken thought, kept any from having genuine B.A. or T.B.A. character. An “I-don’t-know-how-they-did-it, but” feeling accompanied me as I toured what this estate had wrought in 2010. 97/100

Katalog über: Saarburger Rausch Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel

-- Katalog: -- Gault Millau: Köstliche Aromen von Kamille und Weinbergspfirsich, feinste Apfelnoten am Gaumen, zilisierte lang anhaltende Säure, perfekt eingebundenen, furioses Finale. 98/100

Internet über: Saarburger Rausch Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel

-- Internet: -- Parker: 97/100 -- Gerstl: Der Duft ist erstaunlich zart, feine, glasklare Botrytis, herrliche Honignoten, reife Tropenfrüchte im Überfluss, ein Duft von berauschender Komplexität. Auch am Gaumen wirkt der Wein vor allem einmal unendlich fein, dies trotz monumentaler Kraft, wie kann so ein Monsterwein so herrlich leichtfüssig sein, geballte Kraft mit solcher Leichtigkeit über den Gaumen schweben, wie kann so eine sensationell rassige Säure dermassen cremig weich sein, das ist ein unglaublicher Wein, ein Naturwunder der seltenen Art, eigentlich ein Überwein, mit Worten nicht mehr zu beschreiben. Wir waren mit Hanno Zilliken zusammen zu fünft, als wir diesen Wein zum ersten Mal verkostet haben. Da herrschte minutenlange Stille, bevor dann so langsam die ersten Aaahhs und Ooohhs zum Vorschein kamen. Danach probierte jeder auf seine Art, den Wein mit allen möglichen Superlativen möglichst genau zu umschreiben. Ich glaube aber nicht, dass es jemandem gelungen ist. Wer wissen will, wie dieser Wein schmeckt, muss ihn selber erleben. 20/20

Mein Winzer

Weingut Zilliken

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