Riesling Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle Trockenbeerenauslese Freitag (Versteigerungswein) 2015

Dönnhoff: Riesling Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle Trockenbeerenauslese Freitag (Versteigerungswein) 2015

Zum Winzer

Riesling 100%
weiß, süss
7,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2020–2150
Verpackt in: 1er
sehr süss
exotisch & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 100+/100
Parker: 100/100
Suckling: 100/100
Mosel Fine Wines: 100/100
Deutschland, Nahe
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Riesling Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle Trockenbeerenauslese Freitag (Versteigerungswein) 2015


Lobenberg: Im Grunde unbeschreiblich und unique für eine TBA: Trinkbar, lecker, einfach so! Perfektion im Genuss ohne Anstrengung, schwebend leicht und seidig, nie zu süß, nie aufdringlich. 100+/100


Parker über: Riesling Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle Trockenbeerenauslese Freitag (Versteigerungswein)

-- Parker: The golden-yellow colored 2015 Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese Freitag was basket-pressed over 24 hours, a day later than the TBA Donnerstag. Its berries were even more selected and, since the Dönnhoffs found the difference between both wines to be too prominent, they decided to keep them separate. The Freitag is even more concentrated and displays a very clear, intense and concentrated bouquet with leather, tabacco, citrus tea and ripe peach aromas, and even the flinty flavors of the Hermannshöhle are still here. Rich and viscous on the palate, with beautifully ripe and finely piquant acidity, this is a highly complex and tension-filled Riesling--a quintessence of what was possible in 2015 in the Hermannshöhle! This is rich, highly delicate, concentrated and sweet, but also peppery and piquant, even salty and stimulating. This is nothing less than the perfect TBA and it is still a great drinking pleasure. 100/100


Suckling über: Riesling Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle Trockenbeerenauslese Freitag (Versteigerungswein)

-- Suckling: Although this is packed to the brim with dried mango and quince paste character it also has the signature finesse of the great Hermannshöhle site and that makes it so delightful that you forget the enormous power and concentration as it dances across your palate in the direction of infinity. Headed for a future auction. Somewhere between 50 and 100 years of ageing potential. Made from organic grapes and Fair'n Green certified. 100/100


Mosel Fine Wines über: Riesling Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle Trockenbeerenauslese Freitag (Versteigerungswein)

-- Mosel Fine Wines: The 2015er Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese Freitag (the term Freitag in written in small on the bottom right hand side of the label), was harvested on a Friday (there was also one harvested the previous day, but which has not yet been released) at approx. 210° Oechsle and was fermented down to fully noble-sweet levels of residual sugar (350 g/l). It offers a magical and concentrated nose made of raisin, pineapple, honeyed exotic fruits, fig, date, acacia honey, and much more. The wine develops huge density and presence on the palate, but delivers all its multi-layered and complex flavors with a sublime sense of finesse and freshness as the acidity (which towers at a full 16 g/l) keeps the rich side of the wine well under control. Of course, the finish is still all about sweetness and exotic fruits, but this amazing dessert wine already more than hints at greatness to come as it lingers on for minutes. What a sublime effort! 2035-2085 100/100

Mein Winzer


Der heilige Gral des deutschen Rieslings – nicht wenige Liebhaber verorten ihn bei den Dönnhoffs im Nahetal. Helmut Dönnhoff gehört völlig ohne Zweifel zu den zehn besten Weißwein-Erzeugern des Erdballs und ist heute eine lebende Riesling-Legende. Sein Sohn Cornelius hatte also große Fußstapfen zu...