Riesling Erste Lage Uhlen - Roth Lay Auslese Goldkapsel 2007

Heymann-Löwenstein: Riesling Erste Lage Uhlen - Roth Lay Auslese Goldkapsel 2007


Zum Winzer

weiß, süß
7,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2008–2045
Verpackt in: 6er
Lobenberg: 98–99/100
Wine Spectator: 96/100
Parker: 95/100
Deutschland, Mosel Saar Ruwer
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Riesling Erste Lage Uhlen - Roth Lay Auslese Goldkapsel 2007


Lobenberg: Die Frische kommt hier mit leichten Kräuternoten daher. Spuren von Orangenmarmelade und Zitronenzesten münden in einem Fluss aus Honig, der sich in all seiner Breite dem Meer aus Saft entgegen ergießt. Trotz des wenigen Gefälles und des vielen Restzuckers hat dieser tolle Wein unglaublich viel Schwung und Rasse ohne Ende. Sein purer Hedonismus reißt einen mit. 98-99/100

Internet über: Riesling Erste Lage Uhlen - Roth Lay Auslese Goldkapsel

-- Internet: -- WS: Candied citrus, jujube, sweet spice and quince paste aromas and flavors mark this sweet, bracing Riesling, which is light on its feet and resonates on the finish with a mouthwatering feel and echoes of citrus. 96/100-- Parker: Lowenstein's 2007 Winninger Uhlen Riesling Auslese Gold Capsule Roth Lay (as in the corresponding dry wines, the letter 'R' is prominent on the label) benefits from counterpoint and collaboration among bright citrus, rich pit fruit essences, and the honey of botrytis. For all of its enormous sheer ripeness and concentration, this retains a striking sense of delicacy. A snappy, spicy, pungent streak - taken together with vivid, diverse pit fruits and citrus - serves for exhilaration in a finish of memorable length and energy, with a vivid impression of crushed stone one hardly expects in a wine of such sweetness and prominent botrytization. There seems to be something of a personality role reversal at work this year, because the corresponding Rottgen Auslese is cool and refined whereas this Uhlen displays more of the piquancy and (as French growers might say) nervosite that I associate with Rottgen. But then, botrytis is always something of a wild card, so that a wine like this is profoundly and unpredictably influenced by the precise microclimatic conditions for and differences in the nature of that fungus. No doubt this too will be worth following for two or more decades. 95/100

Mein Winzer


Cornelia und Reinhard Löwenstein erzeugen als unzähligste Generation der Familie auf den kargen, aber fruchtbaren Schieferterrassen oberhalb der Mosel Rieslinge, die zu den größten der Welt gehören.