Quinta do Vale Meao Douro Red 2022

Quinta do Vale Meao: Quinta do Vale Meao Douro Red 2022


Zum Winzer

Touriga Nacional 60%, Touriga Franca 30%, Tinta Barroca 5%, Tinta Roriz 5%
rot, trocken
13,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2027–2050
Verpackt in: 6er OHK
voluminös & kräftig
pikant & würzig
Lobenberg: 98–100/100
Wine Enthusiast zu 2021: 98/100
Parker zu 2021: 96/100
Portugal, Douro
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Quinta do Vale Meao Douro Red 2022


Lobenberg: Biologische Weinbergsarbeit, keinerlei Kunstdünger, kein Umflügen. Im Durchschnitt 70-80 Jahre alte Reben. Schwarz und dicht, glänzend und leicht ölig am Glasrand. Hoher Extraktwert. Satte Schwarzkirsche mit Sauerkirsche und roten und schwarzen Johannisbeeren in der Nase. Maulbeere und würzige Holunderbeere schwingen mit. Feine Röstaromatik und Bourbon-Vanille, kubanische Zigarrenkiste und schwarze Erde, Schokoladensouffle. Immens tief und warm, voll und satt, dann aber kommt rassige, frische, hochintensive Frucht in Mengen. Schlehe, Sauerkirsche, Mango und üppig schwarze Brombeere, etwas Blaubeere in der Jugend. Schoko-Brombeer-Blaubeer-Nase nebst Mango und Grapefruit. Neben der schwarzfruchtigen Üppigkeit deutlich geprägt von Zitrusfrische und gelber Frucht, Maracuja, Mango, extrem feine Frische, sensationelle Balance dadurch. Das Säurespiel in Nase und Mund verleiht dem Wein seine tolle Leichtigkeit. Die ultrasatten und völlig polierten und weichen Tannine sind perfekt integriert. Stilistisch hat sich der Meao dramatisch zur Frische und Feinheit entwickelt, grandios voller Wein mit zugleich ultrazarter Finesse und Frische. Die Eleganz der Granitböden und der Touriga Nacional dominiert heute die Stilistik, gewandelt in 10 Jahren vom fetten Merlot-Pomerol zum intensiven Pinot Noir mit Cabernet Franc. Sattes Gesteinsmehl und Salz im zweinminütigen Nachhall. Unendliche Harmonie hinterlassend, superfein und frisch. Der in der Jugend manchmal etwas zu fett und zu üppig fruchtige Weine kann überragend reifen, nach 10 Jahren erreicht er so langsam seine Weltklasse. Man erinnere sich an den Jahrzehnte immer besser werdenden Weltklassewein Barca Velha, der unter weit schlechteren Bedingungen genau hier entstand. Einen besseren Wein als Meao kann man in Portugal kaum finden.


Wine Enthusiast zu 2021 über: Quinta do Vale Meao Douro Red

-- Wine Enthusiast zu 2021: The latest release of this top wine is as impressive as ever, a rich medley of flavors enhanced by 16 months in wood. The black fruits combine with structure to give a wine with a great future. Drink from 2028.


Parker zu 2021 über: Quinta do Vale Meao Douro Red

-- Parker zu 2021: The eponymous red 2021 Quinta do Vale Meão was produced with grapes from the same five vineyards from the first year, fermented with some full clusters, which they've done since 2017. This year saw some 20%, a little like it was done in the past in the Barca Velha from the grandfather of winemaker Francisco Olazabal. It has the same character from the previous years, a strong personality, good tension and, as with the rest of the wines I tasted from them, a little less ripeness and extraction. They used some 30% new barrels, and they have been gradually using less toast and coopers who respect the wines. The wine is more elegant, tasty and spicy, with very fine tannins and a supple, almost salty finish—very long with nothing jammy about it.

Weingut über: Quinta do Vale Meao Douro Red

-- Weingut: This wine derives from a rigorous selection of grapes produced in the oldest vineyards of the Quinta: Vale Grande, Cabeço das Pulgas, Casa das Máquinas, Três encostas and Poente da Viola. This results in a blend of varieties in which Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca usually represent 90% and are complemented by Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz, and Tinto Cão. Each grape variety is harvested and vinified separately. After being crushed and de-stemmed into granite ‘lagares’ they are trodden by foot. Later they are transferred to stainless steel tanks where fermentation takes place during eight days. After the alcoholic fermentation, one part of the wine undergoes malolactic fermentation in barriques. The ageing is done for 16 to 18 months in barriques which are 50% new and 50% used. The 2021/2022 viticultural season unfolded as an unusual year, primarily due to distinctive climatic conditions. Throughout the year, we experienced a warm and dry winter, followed by a similarly warm and dry spring and summer. It is worth noting the consistent lack of rainfall during most of the growing season, along with elevated temperatures recorded in May, July, and August. These weather patterns had a notable impact on the vines and grape maturation. These climatic conditions influenced the development of diseases such as mildew and powdery mildew. However, they also contributed to good phytosanitary quality, which was a positive outcome. Water availability emerged as the principal constraint on the vine's normal development right from the early stages of the growing cycle. At Quinta do Vale Meao, the total rainfall from November 2021 to the end of September 2022 amounted to 225.8mm. This figure represents a significant deviation from the 30-year average of 520.4mm, marking a 57% decrease in precipitation. This trend began during the winter months when only 66.8mm of rainfall was recorded from November 2021 to February 2022. Regrettably, there were no significant precipitation events to replenish soil moisture reserves throughout the year. Despite an initial delay in the start of the vegetative cycle compared to expectations, this delay was swiftly compensated for during the vine flowering phase. Given these circumstances, we were presented with a narrower harvest window than usual. Monitoring grape maturation became a pivotal factor for success. Consequently, we initiated the harvest on August 17, 2022, commencing with the Rabigato white grape variety and concluding on September 23, 2022. Despite these challenges, the production yield turned out to be a pleasant surprise. After being crushed, the grapes were cooled down and trodden by foot during four hours in granite lagares and then transferred to small-refrigerated stainless steel vinifying vats. In this vintage approximately 10% of the wines fermented with stems. Each grape variety and vineyard is vinified separately. The final blend is only made before bottling. All the wine was matured in French Allier oak barriques (225 litres), 45% new and 55% second usage. Very concentrated in colour. Deep and complex nose with lots of aromatic nuances, yet maintaining the balance between them. In the mouth it is vibrant, in a set of great elegance, showing an excellent integration of the wood, a surprisingly large variety of flavours, and a very long aftertaste.

Mein Winzer

Quinta do Vale Meao

Die baskische Familie Olazabal heiratete schon vor Generationen in die berühmte portugiesische Weinfamilie Ferreira ein. Das heutige Oberhaupt der Familie, Francisco Javier de Olazabal (Vito), war als Nachfolger seines Vaters auch lange der Generaldirektor des berühmten und großen...

Quinta do Vale Meao Douro Red 2022