Piano di Montevergine Taurasi Riserva DOCG 2013

Feudi di San Gregorio Piano di Montevergine 2013

Zum Winzer

Aglianico 100%
rot, trocken
14,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2020–2045
Verpackt in: 6er
pikant & würzig
voluminös & kräftig
Lobenberg: 95–97/100
Parker: 96/100
Galloni: 94/100
Italien, Kampanien
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Piano di Montevergine Taurasi Riserva DOCG 2013


Lobenberg: Ein unglaublich reichhaltiger und vielschichtiger Aglianico. Üppig, strukturiert, fast dick in seiner voluminösen Dichte. Satte schwarze Frucht mit viel Würze aus kühlen Hochlagen, grandios balanciert und frisch trotz balsamischer Power, viel besser geht Taurasi nicht. 95-97/100


Parker über: Piano di Montevergine Taurasi Riserva DOCG

-- Parker: From a celebrated single vineyard recognized around the world, the 2013 Taurasi Riserva Piano di Montevergine shows beautifully in this vintage. This is a complete and generous expression of Aglianico with thick layering and full-bodied appeal. Fruit thrives at 700 meters above sea level, where nighttime diurnal shifts make a big impact on the quality and brightness of the aromas, especially in a balanced and slightly cool vintage such as this. Taurasi renders rich aromas of black fruit, spice and balsam herb. You get all of those here with abundance. This wine should hold a steady aging course for the next 20 years. 96/100


Galloni über: Piano di Montevergine Taurasi Riserva DOCG

-- Galloni: In the 2013 Taurasi Riserva Piano di Monte Vergine I’m finding a gorgeous, savory mix of plum and blackberry fruit, offset by hints of olive, sage, and smoky minerals. Silky textures flood the palate with cool-toned black fruits and sweet herbal notes, as brisk acids add further energy before fine-grained tannins clench the senses. The finish is long and structured, as lingering acids sizzle, keeping the 2013 Piano di Monte Vergine Riserva lively and fresh, even as its fine tannins leave me with an incredibly dry expression. This is just a baby today, but after four to five years in the cellar should be rocking. 94/100

Mein Winzer

Feudi di San Gregorio

Feudi di San Gregorio schreibt seit den 80er-Jahren die Geschichte Irpinias neu. Die Besonderheit bei diesem Weingut ist die starke Bekenntnis zu autochthonen Rebsorten. Fianco, Falanghina, Aglianico oder Greco zählen zum Rebsortenportfolio. Die Weine sind entsprechend Botschafter ihrer Region, des...

Piano di Montevergine Taurasi Riserva DOCG 2013