Opus One 2012

Mondavi / Opus One Opus One 2012

Zum Winzer

Cabernet Sauvignon 79%, Cabernet Franc 7%, Merlot 6%, Petit Verdot 6%, Malbec 2%
rot, trocken
14,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2022–2042
Verpackt in: 6er OHK
voluminös & kräftig
seidig & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 97–99/100
Suckling: 97/100
Galloni: 96/100
Parker: 96/100
USA, Californien
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Opus One 2012


Lobenberg: Intensives Bouquet von süßem Lakritz und Unmengen reifer schwarzer Beeren, im Gaumen samtig, opulent und voller Stoff. Weißer Pfeffer, Schwarztee. Cremige Textur und reife Fruchtaromen. Ein Hauch von Gerbstoff. Raffiniert und langlebig. 97-99/100


Suckling über: Opus One

-- Suckling: Glorious purity of fruit here with black currants, blueberries, dark chocolate, fresh herbs and forest floor. Hints of mint too, plus hazelnut and chocolate. Full body with seamless tannins and balance. Tight and compacted tannins with beautiful fruit and great length. Goes on for minutes. One of the best Opus' in years. Hard not to drink now but better in 2018. October 2015 release. This is 79% cabernet sauvignon, 7% cabernet franc, 6% merlot, 6% petit verdot and 2% malbec. 97/100


Galloni über: Opus One

-- Galloni: Rich, powerful and seductive, the 2012 Opus One blossoms in the glass with superb textural richness and volume. Dark red and black fruit, smoke, cedar, new leather and tobacco all meld together as the 2012 shows off its personality. Fine, silky tannins support the huge, creamy finish. The 2012 has just been bottled, but it is superb. I expect the 2012 will offer a long and broad drinking window of pure pleasure. -- Antonio Galloni 96/100


Parker über: Opus One

-- Parker: The iconic 2012 Proprietary Red Opus One is a blend of 79% Cabernet Sauvignon, 7% Cabernet Franc, 6% Petit Verdot, 6% Merlot and 2% Malbec aged 18 months in French oak. A classy, complex, suave and savory 2012 Opus One, with notes of toasty oak and crème de cassis. This Pauillac lookalike, made by the staff at Mouton Rothschild, is a beauty. They have continued to strengthen the quality of wine and seem to have produced a brilliant, world-class wine. I imagine the 2013 may even eclipse this, but this 2012 is one of their great ones, with a seamless integration of acidity, tannin, alcohol and wood all present in this beautiful, full-bodied wine that should drink well for 25-30 years. 96/100

Mein Winzer

Mondavi / Opus One

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Opus One 2012