Riesling Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Auslese 2023

Fritz Haag: Riesling Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Auslese 2023


Zum Winzer

Riesling 100%
weiß, süß
7,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2025–2053
Verpackt in: 6er
exotisch & aromatisch
sehr süss
Lobenberg: 97–98+/100
Suckling: 97/100
Mosel Fine Wines: 96/100
Deutschland, Mosel Saar Ruwer
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Suckling über: Riesling Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Auslese

-- Suckling: This astonishing Auslese has incredible finesse and purity on the super-focused, medium-bodied palate. The floral dimension of the wine is very wide, and yet this aspect of the wine is also superfine. Not a hint of the honey that botrytis gives, but it didn’t need that to give it great concentration. Breathtakingly refreshing in the totally pristine finish. Drink or hold.


Mosel Fine Wines über: Riesling Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Auslese

-- Mosel Fine Wines: The Juffer-Sonnenuhr 2023 Riesling Auslese, as it is referred to on the consumer label, was made from clean grapes harvested on the oldest and partially und-grafted vines. It displays a super elegant and layered nose of white flowers, whipped almond cream, orange blossom, lavender, cinnamon, candied lime, and verbena. The wine is super refined and almost light-weighted in the palate, and only gradually reveals layers of complexity. The finish is superbly creamy and very long. This is an elegant and beautifully refined Auslese in the making.

Mein Winzer

Fritz Haag

Gelegen an der wunderschönen Mittelmosel wird hier in besten Lagen ausschließlich Riesling auf Schieferböden angebaut. Und das bereits seit dem 15 Jahrhundert im Familienbesitz! Im Weingut Fritz Haag entstehen jedes Jahr aufs neue absolute Spitzenweine, die sich in die Reihen der legendärsten...