Douro Red Vinha do Rio 2011

Quinta Vale Dona Maria: Douro Red Vinha do Rio 2011

Zum Winzer

diverse autochthone Reben
rot, trocken
15,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2015–2040
Verpackt in: 6er OHK
Lobenberg: 99–100/100
Wine Enthusiast: 96/100
Wine Spectator: 96/100
Portugal, Douro
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Douro Red Vinha do Rio 2011


Lobenberg: Aus den ältesten Weinbergen der Quinta, 100 Jahre alt, direkt am Fluss gelegen. Kein Touriga Nacional im Wein, der wurde hier vor 100 Jahren noch nicht angebaut. Ansonsten der vollständige Mix autochthoner Rebsorten. Winziger Ertrag von 2 Hektar Rebland. Es gibt nur 1800 Flaschen, und die auch nur in großen Jahren. Schwarze und rote Waldfrüchte, extrem dicht und intensiv, eine dichte Duftwolke. Extrem dunkle Schattenmorelle, Schwarzkirsche und Schlehe im Mund, reife Pflaume nebst frischer Zwetschge, sehr salzig im ultralangen Abgang. Der Wein ist ultradicht mit zugleich fantastischer Frische. Eine verdichtete Turboversion der Dona Maria. Nicht unbedingt besser aber verblüffend in der Dichte und Intensität. Satte schwarze Frucht mit vibrierender Spannung, singende Dynamik. Der Wein braucht viele Jahre und wird Jahrzehnte perfekt altern. 99-100/100

Katalog über: Douro Red Vinha do Rio

-- Katalog: -- WS: Offers a heady aroma, with luscious, concentrated flavors of red currant, cherry tart, macerated plum and boysenberry, all filled with a seductive creaminess. This is loaded with Asian spice notes, showing plenty of fresh acidity and a powerful finish of dark chocolate gripped by medium-grained tannins. 96/100

Internet über: Douro Red Vinha do Rio

-- Internet: -- Parker: The 2011 Vinha do Rio (Quinta Vale d. Maria), the latest iteration in this new special parcel bottling (its name translates as River Vines, more or less) is an old vines (85 years) field blend aged in new French oak for 21 months. If the CV is probably the biggest wine here, this has by far the most pungent smell. That’s not necessarily a pejorative, but on my first swirls, I might’ve said “Port.” It seems surprisingly restrained otherwise, relatively well integrated in tannins, dense and not overly lively. It has a certain, stolid feel to it at times. Yet, this grew on me with aeration and showed more nicely the next day – although hardly changed at first. It took a long, long time to wake up, always seeming a bit stolid. When it did finally show some life, the alcohol was burbling in the background, but not overly intrusive. It certainly seems to be the most unusual of the offerings here. It grew on me, but I suspect it will be the most divisive wine in the group. It will be more interesting with this than most to see what happens to it in the cellar. There were just 1,900 bottles produced, plus some large format bottles. I’m advised that a mere 24 bottles will be sent to the USA in late 2013. 92+/100 -- WE: From old wines near the river that runs through the Val Dona Maria vineyards, this is a superbly intense wine. It has a great structure, dark plum fruits and already a fine balance. Big and bold its power is balanced with elegance, some freshness and a great potential. 96/100

Mein Winzer

Quinta Vale Dona Maria

Gelegen im traumhaftem Vale do Rio Torto in Cima Corgo, mitten im Herzen der Douro-Region. 1996 zwangen Erbstreitigkeiten die Familie Lemos zum Verkauf, was sich Cristiano van Zeller, der wohl charismatischste und ehrgeizigste Winzer Portugals neben Dirk Niepoort, nicht entgehen lassen konnte. Als...

Douro Red Vinha do Rio 2011