Douro Red 2011

Quinta Vale Dona Maria: Douro Red 2011

Zum Winzer

Tempranillo, Tinta Barroca, Touriga Francesca, Touriga Nacional
rot, trocken
15,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2014–2035
Verpackt in: 6er
voluminös & kräftig
pikant & würzig
Lobenberg: 98–100/100
Wine Spectator: 96/100
Parker: 95/100
Portugal, Douro
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Douro Red 2011


Lobenberg: Nur 20 Tsd. Flaschen aus ultrakleinem Ertrag von 15-20 hl/ha. Weinberg in Südexposition. Biologische Weinbergsarbeit, gepflügt wird mit dem Pferd. Vergärung in Lagares, mit Füßen eingemaischt, Ausbau in neuem Holz. Extrem feiner Johannisbeer-Schoko-Brombeer-Blaubeer-Schlehenmund mit kalifornischem Touch, grandios komplexes Nasenbild. Ridge Monte Bello lässt grüßen. Auch Saint Emlion und Gevrey Chambertin kommen in den Sinn. Der Wein ist sehr lang, gleichzeitig aber auch rassig und ungeheuer elegant. Sattes und dabei unvorstellbar feinkörniges Tannin, Pinothaft. Überdeutlich salzig steinige Mineralität. Die feinen Säuren der roten Johannisbeere, Sauerkirsche und Schlehe sind berauschend schön. Grapefruit. Schwarzkirsche und Maulbeere bringen Fülle und Volumen. Einer der verführerischsten Weine ganz Portugals. Unendlich sublim und doch so ausdrucksstark, so viel Persönlichkeit wie nur selten anzutreffen. Ein Wein mit grandioser Harmonie und weltweit zu den besten Weinen zu zählen. 98-100/100

Katalog über: Douro Red

-- Katalog: -- Parker: The 2011 Tinto (Vale d. Maria), i.e, the flagship estate wine from the Quinta, is an old vines (65 years) field blend. Approximately three-fourths of the juice was fermented in tank, the rest in lagares. Then transferred to barrel, two thirds of the juice was aged in new French oak for 21 months, the other third in a mixture of second and third pass oak. It is listed at 15% alcohol. Tightly wound, a bit brooding and powerful this year, this is a big boy in terms of structure, showing astringency on the finish, yet it seems also to show fine balance overall, managing to project some elegance, notwithstanding its underlying power. The graceful mid-palate is beautifully constructed, not jammy or thick, but still concentrated. It has a persistent finish. Beneath the oaky overlay, there is fine fruit as well as that impressive structure. This promises to be exceptional if you have a little patience. The next day it seemed far better controlled in tannins and drank far better, the oak still a bit too obvious, but nicely toned down. It also, happily, showed a certain steely nuance, providing some evidence that it might be something other than one-dimensional. This unevolved and rather disjointed Vale d. Maria needs some time to show its stuff, absorb the oak and come around in general. It won’t be the wine to buy if you lack a cellar. It is likely on the short list for top vintages from this bottling, though, and it is worth leaning up at the moment. It will probably be around peak in 2018-2020 or so, but it will certainly be approachable sooner. As time goes on, I suspect this won’t be the best of the van Zeller 2011s – but it is pretty close and well priced compared to some. There were just 21,400 bottles produced, plus some large format bottles. 95/100

Internet über: Douro Red

-- Internet: -- WS: Deeply flavored, ripe and rich-tasting, with a seductively spicy aroma and concentrated flavors of raspberry, boysenberry, wild plum and cherry. The refined, minerally finish lingers. Best from 2040 through 2060. 750 cases made. 96/100

Mein Winzer

Quinta Vale Dona Maria

Gelegen im traumhaftem Vale do Rio Torto in Cima Corgo, mitten im Herzen der Douro-Region. 1996 zwangen Erbstreitigkeiten die Familie Lemos zum Verkauf, was sich Cristiano van Zeller, der wohl charismatischste und ehrgeizigste Winzer Portugals neben Dirk Niepoort, nicht entgehen lassen konnte. Als...

Douro Red 2011