Douro Red 2009

Quinta Vale Dona Maria: Douro Red 2009

Zum Winzer

Tempranillo, Tinta Barroca, Touriga Francesca, Touriga Nacional
rot, trocken
15,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2012–2033
Verpackt in: 1er OHK
voluminös & kräftig
pikant & würzig
Lobenberg: 97–100/100
Parker: 96/100
Portugal, Douro
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Douro Red 2009


Lobenberg: Grandios komplexes Nasenbild von roten Beeren. Extrem fein poliertes Tannin. Der Wein ist sehr lang, gleichzeitig aber auch rassig und ungeheuer elegant. Einer der verführerischsten Weine ganz Portugals. Unendlich sublim und doch so ausdrucksstark. Einer der Weine, die so viel Persönlichkeit haben, wie nur wenige andere. 97-100/100

Katalog über: Douro Red

-- Katalog: -- Parker: The 2009 Tinto (Quinta Vale D. Maria) is a Douro field blend. This year, it has a sexiness to it that is captivating. Yet, that is certainly not all it has. The structure is impressive as is the balance, although it may need a few years to get where it’s going. The tannins are obvious, sometimes hard edged, but they are ultimately going to integrate. In its youth, the oak is also a touch obvious, but it is equally clear that will integrate, too. This seemed easy to categorize early on as sexy, ripe and tasty. There is tremendous potential here, mostly submerged at the moment. For every 15 minute interval it was open, it changed and got better. Put this in the cellar and come back in 5-6 years. Let it show you what it has. It will be a contender for one of the best Vale D. Marias. It will be a contender for wine of the vintage. It is tremendous. Drink 2014-2030. 96/100

Mein Winzer

Quinta Vale Dona Maria

Gelegen im traumhaftem Vale do Rio Torto in Cima Corgo, mitten im Herzen der Douro-Region. 1996 zwangen Erbstreitigkeiten die Familie Lemos zum Verkauf, was sich Cristiano van Zeller, der wohl charismatischste und ehrgeizigste Winzer Portugals neben Dirk Niepoort, nicht entgehen lassen konnte. Als...

Douro Red 2009