Chateau d' Yquem 1er Cru Superieur 2019

Chateau d' Yquem 1er Cru Superieur 2019



Zum Winzer

Sauvignon Blanc 85%, Semillon 15%
weiß, süss
14,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2025–2083
Verpackt in: 1er OHK
leicht süss
exotisch & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 100/100
Jane Anson: 97/100
Decanter: 97/100
Falstaff: 97/100
Suckling: 96/100
Frankreich, Bordeaux, Sauternes
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Chateau d' Yquem 1er Cru Superieur 2019


Lobenberg: 2019 und 2020 sind zwei der wirklich allerbesten Sauternes, die ich je jung probieren durfte. Atemberaubende Spannung mit immenser Dichte und Power aber zugleich unvorstellbarer Säure und Frische. Fast Zechweine. Groß! 100/100


Jane Anson über: Chateau d' Yquem 1er Cru Superieur

-- Jane Anson: Clear push and pull between acidity and lusciousness from the first moments. A higher percentage of Sauvignon Blanc than in a typical year, showing in sculpted gunsmoke and white truffle on the opening beats. Fresher flavours continue with lemongrass and lime zest, broadening out into luscious mango, grilled caramel, pineapple and brioche, and a welcome edge of bitterness on the finish with mandarin peel and oyster shell salinity. As has so often been the case in recent years, the team at Yquem needed to hold their nerve, as a dry September meant the noble rot took its time to get underway, with harvest finally taking place from around October 10 though to early November. 138g/l residual sugar, 10hl/h yield. Organic conversion began in August 2019, with certification expected 2022. Winemaker Sandrine Garbay. 97/100


Decanter über: Chateau d' Yquem 1er Cru Superieur

-- Decanter: The 2019 vintage of Château d'Yquem has the highest proportion (45%) of Sauvignon Blanc in any modern Yquem. The Sauvignon Blanc adds to the freshness, acting as a great balance to the succulent, sweet and voluptuous palate. Intense peach and apricot, combined with lemon and orange zest, make this highly appealing to drink right away – an ideal vintage with which to start Yquem’s ‘lighthouse’ project. However, it would be a shame not to give this 10+ years maturation to see how it develops. Very well, I suspect. The growing season was both warm and wet, with mildew a big threat. After a mostly dry September, 40mm rain came at the end of the month, leading to a very short harvest window. All of the Yquem grapes were picked in two tries within a one-week period. Residual Sugar: 138g/L. 97/100


Falstaff über: Chateau d' Yquem 1er Cru Superieur

-- Falstaff: Mittleres Goldgelb, silberfarbene Reflexe. Feiner Blütenhonig, ein Hauch von Bourbonvanille, reife gelbe Tropenfrucht, kandierte Orangenzesten, zart nach reifer Mango, Macis und Orangenblüten im Hintergrund. Saftig, deutliche Restsüße von 138 g, opulenter, aber nicht üppiger Stil, gut integrierte Holzkomponente, mineralisch-salzig, noch etwas unterentwickelt, ein Hauch von Marille im Abgang, gute Länge, sehr harmonisch und bereits problemlos antrinkbar, mit sicherem Reifepotenzial ausgestattet. 97/100


Suckling über: Chateau d' Yquem 1er Cru Superieur

-- Suckling: A juicy Yquem with tarte tartin, salted caramel and dried oranges on the nose and palate. Medium-to full-bodied and medium-sweet with a creamy and round texture. Bright and vivid. Lovely texture. Long. Evolves to caramel and burnt vanilla sugar. 55% semillon and 45% sauvignon. 138g/L residual. Drink or hold. 96/100

Wine Spectator über: Chateau d' Yquem 1er Cru Superieur

-- Wine Spectator: A special wine right from the start, this glistens with pure papaya, mango, white peach and mirabelle plum, joined by elderflower honey, toasted macadamia nut and orange blossom notes. Remarkably long finish. Sémillon and Sauvignon Blanc. Drink now through 2050. 97/100

Mein Winzer

Chateau d’Yquem

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