Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B 2020

Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B 2020


Zum Winzer

Merlot 90%, Cabernet Franc 10%
rot, trocken
14,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2026–2054
Verpackt in: 6er OHK
voluminös & kräftig
Lobenberg: 97–99/100
Jeb Dunnuck: 99/100
Lisa Perrotti Brown: 99/100
Wine Cellar Insider: 98–100/100
Suckling: 98/100
Galloni: 98/100
Decanter: 98/100
Jane Anson: 97/100
Yohan Castaing: 96–98+/100
Parker: 96–98/100
Gerstl: 19/20
Frankreich, Bordeaux, Saint Emilion
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B 2020


Lobenberg: Das ist der Nachbar von Château Bellefont-Belcier. Zur anderen Seite liegt Château Pavie. Das sind die besten Lagen der südlichen Kalksteinhänge von Saint-Émilion, die Côte Pavie. Recht steil noch, Südexposition. Der Wein ist seit Jahren einer der Geheimtipps Saint-Émilions und schwer zu finden. Immer etwas modern, weil der Neuholz-Anteil relativ hoch ist. Aber gleichzeitig ist er auch ultrafein und poliert. Das Terroir ist auch in schwierigen Zeiten gut geeignet. Dieser Teil von Saint-Émilion war aber in Sachen Regen 2020 doch sehr im Nachteil. Es hat hier von Juni bis Mitte September keinen einzigen Tropfen Regen gegeben. Da kann es auch hier schon mal etwas schwierig werden. Hochreife Nase. Backpflaume, schwarze Kirsche, Rumtopf, eingekocht. Auch im Mund diese hochintensive, aromatische Power, ohne jedoch wie der Nachbar Pavie von Holz oder Extraktion hingerichtet worden zu sein. Vielleicht etwas hinter 2019 zurückbleibend. Sehr guter Saint-Émilion an der Côte Pavie, einer der allerbesten Weine hier. 97-99/100


Jeb Dunnuck über: Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B

-- Jeb Dunnuck: The Grand Vin comes from a tiny 11.15-hectare vineyard that has been in the Gratiot family since 1893. Located on the south-facing Côte Pavie, between Château Pavie and Château Bellefont-Belcier and consisting of clay on top of limestone soils, the vineyard has recently been going through a replanted phase using a selection massale and a higher density planting. The grapes are hand-sorted, vinification occurs all in concrete and spans four weeks, with the élevage in 50% new French oak. A normal blend of 90% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Franc, the 2020 Château Larcis Ducasse reminds me of the 2005 and is up with the top handful of wines on the Right Bank. It has a brilliant perfume of red and black fruits, white truffle, leafy tobacco, and Asian spices. This carries to a full-bodied, concentrated, powerful Larcis-Ducasse with ultra-fine yet building tannins, perfect balance, a stacked mid-palate, and one heck of a great finish. It's going to flirt with perfection in 7-8 years (I'm probably underrating it a point) and have 30 years of overall longevity. Tasted numerous times with consistent results. 99/100


Lisa Perrotti Brown über: Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B

-- Lisa Perrotti Brown: The 2020 Larcis Ducasse is a blend of 90% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Franc. Deep garnet-purple in color, it is a little reticent to begin, needing considerable swirling to unlock notes of preserved plums, blueberry compote, and black cherry pie, plus hints of candied violets, dark chocolate, and licorice with a waft of crushed rocks. The full-bodied palate is laden with black fruit and earthy layers, supported by firm yet velvety tannins and impressive tension, finishing with epic length. 99/100


Wine Cellar Insider über: Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B

-- Wine Cellar Insider: Pungent aromas of flowers, licorice, crushed rocks, oak, dark cocoa, black, red and blue fruits focus your attention. The wine offers a mineral-driven, full-bodied blast of silky, flamboyant, luscious red fruits with salty tannins. The fruit coats your palate, lingers and seamlessly expands, finishing with licorice, sensuously textured red and black fruits, espresso and oyster shell. This is on the way to developing into one of the best vintages ever produced by Larcis Ducasse. 98-100


Suckling über: Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B

-- Suckling: Transparent and pure with crushed stone and flowers such as violets, as well as minerals and blackcurrants. Bramble berries as well. Medium to full body. Tight and very fine tannins that run the length of the wine. Kicks off at the end. So fresh and energetic. Tannic in the finish with fine texture. Drink after 2028. 98/100


Galloni über: Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B

-- Galloni: The 2020 Larcis Ducasse is a real showstopper. Bright and vertical in feel, the 2020 possesses tremendous energy to match its super-classic build. Beams of tannin and acid give the wine its shape. Dark cherry and pomegranate fruit are pushed forward, with a kick of blood orange acidity that lends freshness. Graphite, dried herbs, menthol, spice and cedar emerge with some coaxing, but the 2020 is very young and very primary. That of course bodes so well for its future. The 2020 is quite simply a thrilling Larcis and one of the very finest values in all of Bordeaux. 98/100


Decanter über: Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B

-- Decanter: Perfumed nose, heady and seductive, the aromas shining out of the glass. Full, rich and vibrant tones of blackcurrant and black cherry. Ripe and chewy, the tannins really are present and grippy but have a plushness and a bounce to them, they coat the entire mouth, seriously wide and expansive but are gentle even in their fillingness. A powdery blueberry juiciness with intense liquorice touches walks the line between freshness and power so well. Really a step up in quality, still tight, strong and not exactly charming at this point but there’s no faulting the winemaking here, this is direct, powerful and firm but so long with great acidity. Packed and charged, ripe and rich, yet round and balanced. I adore it. 98/100


Jane Anson über: Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B

-- Jane Anson: Just such a brilliant wine, with finesse and balance. Joyful, with dark chocolate, blueberry and cassis fruits, salted crackers, wet stone minerality, violet aromatics. Supple tannins, this is both complex and simply easy to enjoy, with layers that grip and delight. Love it, holds on tight and keeps you engaged. 10ha estate owned by Famille Gratiot-Attmane, but with the Nicolas Thienpont team overseeing winemaking. 97/100


Yohan Castaing über: Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B

-- Yohan Castaing: Sehr schöne Nase von Veilchen, Iris, frischen Früchten (schwarze Johannisbeere und sehr reif) und Blumen. Komplex und frisch. Eine schöne aromatische Dichte. Fleischiges, dichtes Mundgefühl für Larcis Ducasse mit schönen Tanninen und einer sehr klaren Definition. Hervorragende Länge und Präzision. Sehr frisch und aromatisch. Mehr Fleisch als der 2016er mit einem ätherischen, sehr langen Abgang. 96-98+/100


Parker über: Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B

-- Parker: The 2020 Larcis Ducasse has a deep purple-black color, leaping from the glass with bold notions of redcurrant jelly, plum preserves, kirsch and red roses, followed by hints of licorice, fragrant earth and spice cake, with a touch of woodsmoke. The medium to full-bodied palate is laden with fragrant red berries and profound black fruit preserves, supported by ripe, rounded tannins and lovely tension, finishing very long and fantastically layered. Absolutely, stunningly singular. 96-98/100


Gerstl über: Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B

-- Gerstl: Der Duft wirkt schon beinahe etwas monströs, die Konzentration ist enorm, der fährt so richtig ein. Am Gaumen zeigt er sich erstaunlich schlank, obwohl sich die enorme Konzentration bestätigt, viel frische Frucht vereiht Eleganz und Länge, es bleibt ein Wein zum Kauen, der überfüllt den Gaumen beinahe mit intensivster Aromatik, für mich persönlich wirkt er etwas anstrengend, aber wer etwas breitschultrige Weine mag ist damit gut bedient, denn da ist durchaus auch Eleganz. 19/20

Mein Winzer

Larcis Ducasse

Chateau Larcis Ducasse liegt am Hang von Saint Emilion und befindet sich seit über hundert Jahren im Besitz der Familie Gratiot. Das Gebiet von zehn Hektar besteht im oberen Hangbereich aus Lehm und Ton, im unteren Bereich aus eisenhaltigem Sand.

Chateau Larcis Ducasse 1er Grand Cru Classe B 2020