Barbaresco Sori San Lorenzo 2014

Angelo Gaja Barbaresco Sori San Lorenzo 2014

Zum Winzer

Nebbiolo 100%
rot, trocken
14,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2021–2051
Verpackt in: 6er OHK
pikant & würzig
Lobenberg: 98–99/100
Galloni: 97+/100
Jeb Dunnuck: 97/100
Weinwisser: 19/20
Parker: 95/100
Suckling: 95/100
Wine Spectator: 95/100
Italien, Piemont
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Galloni über: Barbaresco Sori San Lorenzo

-- Galloni: The 2014 Barbaresco Sorì San Lorenzo is the most virile and explosive of Gaja's Barbarescos. Dark, brooding and powerful, with a huge spine of tannin, the San Lorenzo is utterly regal in the glass. Gravel, smoke, menthol, tar, licorice and a host of sepia-toned fruits build into a crescendo of aromas and flavors that is truly compelling. What a gorgeous wine this is. 97+/100


Jeb Dunnuck über: Barbaresco Sori San Lorenzo

-- Jeb Dunnuck: The 2014 Barbaresco Sori San Lorenzo is certainly one of more structured, masculine 2014s. From more limestone soils and a slightly cooler, south facing hillside, it offers a deeper ruby color to go with beautiful notes of black cherries, currants, wood smoke, white flowers, and an undeniable minerality. Like all the 2014s, it’s incredibly elegant on the palate, with a Burgundian-like texture, fine tannin, and terrific length. As with the Sori Tildin, it unwinds with time in the glass, yet needs 4-5 years of bottle age and is going to cruise in the cellar for 20-25+ years. 97/100


Weinwisser über: Barbaresco Sori San Lorenzo

-- Weinwisser: Der berühmte Einzellagen-Barbaresco von Gaja ist einer der ganz grossen Wein- ikonen weltweit. Tiefgestaffeltes Bouquet, nochmal deutlich komplexer als der Sorì Tildìn, aber auch verschlossener und küh- ler mit dunkler Waldbeerfrucht, Lakritze und Zedernoten. Im Mund setzt sich die- ser Eindruck fort: fein muskulöse Struk- tur mit dichter und fester, weitgestaffelter Tanninstruktur, ein kraftvoller Wein für die ganz lange Reise, der noch einige Jahre brauchen wird, bis er all seine Schönheit und Facetten preisgibt. Potenzialwertung.19/20


Parker über: Barbaresco Sori San Lorenzo

-- Parker: Gaja's 2014 Barbaresco Sorì San Lorenzo is clearly at the beginning of a long and promising aging trajectory. At it's core, it shows a pinch of nervous energy and inner tightness that will surely unravel and soften as this beautiful wine continues along its magical journey in time. Angelo Gaja and his family present spectacular results in this controversial 2014 vintage. They have risen far above most of their peers and have shown a keen ability to understand their site and the versatility of their cherished Nebbiolo grape. The variety sings with a loud and exuberant voice, first offering plenty of primary fruit like blackberry and dried cherry. It then follows up with savory earth and spice. This is a bright and youthful wine that is set steady for a long aging future. 95/100


Suckling über: Barbaresco Sori San Lorenzo

-- Suckling: This is closed at first – indeed it's just a baby – but soon opens up with some air to display wild strawberries, red cherries, cedar and nutmeg. The palate is full but very tight and refined, showing firm, grippy tannins that need time, driven acidity and a long, minerally finish. Better in 2020. 95/100

Mein Winzer

Angelo Gaja

Angelo Gaja ist schon zu Lebzeiten ein Mythos. Wie kein anderer revolutionierte er den piemontesischen Weinan- und Ausbau nach französischem Vorbild.

Barbaresco Sori San Lorenzo 2014