Vintage Tunina 2016

Silvio Jermann Vintage Tunina 2016

Zum Winzer

Chardonnay 40%, Sauvignon Blanc 40%, diverse autochthone Reben 20%
weiß, trocken
13,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2019–2031
Verpackt in: 6er
voll & rund
exotisch & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 93+/100
Suckling: 96/100
Parker: 94/100
Italien, Friaul
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Vintage Tunina 2016


Lobenberg: Üppig und vollmundig, ein ganzer Korb voller exotischer Früchte, Ananas, dicht und schmeichelnd, sehr lecker. 93+/100


Suckling über: Vintage Tunina

-- Suckling: This is really beautiful with so much mango, pineapple and lemon character. Hints of honeysuckle, too. Full body, intense dried fruit and vibrant acidity. Great Italian white blend. Screw cap. Drink or hold. 96/100


Parker über: Vintage Tunina

-- Parker: This white blend enjoys one of the most popular and heartfelt followings in the varied and beautiful world of vino Italiano. The 2016 Vintage Tunina is a blend of 25% Chardonnay, 25% Sauvignon Blanc, 22% Ribolla Gialla, 23% Malvasia and 5% Picolit. Despite the complexity of the blend, each variety shows its distinct personality with varying degrees of intensity. For example, there is no mistaking the radiant fragrances of the Sauvignon Blanc and the floral layers of the Malvasia. The Chardonnay gives the wine its textual fiber and core weight. The two indigenous grapes, Ribolla Gialla and Picolit, add unmistakable territory-specific personality with lush Mediterranean fruits. Fermentation is kicked off with indigenous yeast in stainless steel. Once 5% or 6% alcohol is achieved, one-quarter of the must is moved to Slavonian oak casks, where it completes fermentation. The wine then rests in oak for 11 months. Production is 69,000-bottles strong. 94/100

Mein Winzer

Silvio Jermann

Das Weingut wurde 1881 vom slowenischen Auswanderer Anton Jermann gegründet. Ab den 70er-Jahren zeichnet Silvio Jermann verantwortlich, da kam der große Qualitätsdurchbruch. Heute bekommt er etwas Hilfe von seinem Sohn Michele, der ihn im Marketing und Verkauf unterstützt. Das Weingut Jermann ist...

Vintage Tunina 2016