Tignanello 2015

Antinori Tignanello 2015


Zum Winzer

Sangiovese 80%, Cabernet Sauvignon 15%, Cabernet Franc 5%
rot, trocken
14,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2020–2042
Verpackt in: 6er
voluminös & kräftig
seidig & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 96+/100
Suckling: 98/100
Galloni: 98/100
Falstaff: 97/100
Wine Spectator: 97/100
Parker: 96/100
Italien, Toscana, Chianti und Vino Nobile
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Tignanello 2015


Lobenberg: Tignanello. Ein Name, den man nicht weiter vorstellen braucht. Ultrafein. Schwarzer Pfeffer, Nelke, etwas Amarenakirsche in der Nase. Am Gaumen bleibt der Wein kräftig strukturiert, ganz fein poliertes Tannin, mittelkräftiger Körper, nie fett, trotzdem immer mollig und geschmeidig. Ein Wein, der auch von der reifen Säure lebt, elegant bleibt und in seiner Komplexität einzigartig ist. Von außergewöhnlichem Reifepotenzial geprägt! 96+/100


Suckling über: Tignanello

-- Suckling: Fantastic aromas of dark berries, sandalwood and Spanish cedar that are ever so deep. Full body, an incredible spin of polished tannins and bright acidity. Incredible depth. Like looking over the edge of a skyscraper. Powerful and structured. A great Tignanello. A little more sangiovese than usual. Best since the legendary 1997? 98/100


Galloni über: Tignanello

-- Galloni: The 2015 Tignanello is a wine of extraordinary finesse. Ample, creamy and voluptuous, the 2015 dazzles from the very first taste. Dark raspberry jam, rose petal mint and wild flowers are some of the many notes that are laced throughout. Intense and explosive, but also remarkable vibrant, the 2015 is one of the finest Tignanellos in recent memory. The 2015 also represents a bit of a shift in winemaking philosophy that favors picking fruit a bit earlier than in the past and also blending earlier than was the case in the previous period spanning 2004-2014, when the components were aged separately and then blended just before bottling. Lastly, at 85% Sangiovese and 15% Cabernet Sauvignon, the 2015 has a bit more Sangiovese than is the norm, which contributes to the wine's freshness and energy. 98/100


Falstaff über: Tignanello

-- Falstaff: Tignanello war der erste Supertuscan und zählt heute zu den bekanntesten Weinen der Welt. Der legendäre Kultwein aus größtenteils Sangiovese beeindruckt durch eleganten Chianti-Charakter, fantastische Frische und schmeichelnde Feinheit. 97/100


Wine Spectator über: Tignanello

-- Wine Spectator: Dense and intensely flavored, with violet, black currant, blackberry, graphite, wild herb and spice aromas and flavors, this is concentrated and solidly built, yet also harmonious, vibrant and pure. Approachable now, but should be better in a few years. Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc. Best from 2021 through 2035. 97/100


Parker über: Tignanello

-- Parker: The 2015 Tignanello is a wine that opens, like a fully blossomed rose, right in front of you. This vintage is immediately accessible, generous and opulent. The wine will surely flesh out and gain focus with more bottle age, but one of the best qualities of this vintage is just how beautiful the wine tastes straight out of the gate. The fruit is beautifully ripe with fresh blackberry and cherry nuances, spice, leather, sweet tobacco and smoke. Up until this vintage, the various blending components that make up Tignanello were vinifed in separate lots. Starting with 2015, the wine is blended sooner in order to achieve better overall integration. The entire Tignanello estate counts 130 hectares of vines, but the single-vineyard 'Tignanello' that makes this wine is 57 hectares. Some 340,000 bottles were produced. 96/100

Mein Winzer


Die antiken Wurzeln dieser toskanischen Weinbaufamilie gehen bis ins 14. Jahrhundert zurück. Traditionsverbundenheit und innovativer Geist der Familie Antinori haben entscheidend dazu beigetragen, dass das Haus heute den Ruf eines der kreativsten und dynamischsten Weinerzeugers in Italien genießt.

Tignanello 2015