Solaia 2010

Antinori: Solaia 2010



Zum Winzer

Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sangiovese
rot, trocken
14,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2017–2031
Verpackt in: 1er OHK
voluminös & kräftig
seidig & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 97–99/100
Suckling: 98/100
Galloni: 98/100
Decanter: 98/100
Parker: 97/100
Italien, Toscana, Chianti und Vino Nobile
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Solaia 2010


Lobenberg: Was für ein Wein... tief, voll, rund, harmonisch und konzentriert mit Aromen von schwarzen Johannisbeeren und Creme de Cassis, Vanille, Tabak und einem Hauch Minze. Bis dato einer der besten Jahrgänge der Geschichte! 97-99/100


Suckling über: Solaia

-- Suckling: A triumph for Solaia: it suggests the greatness of the legendary 1997. This is a wine with very subtle, complex aromas and flavours of currants, licorice and raspberries. Wonderful nose. Full body with ultra-fine tannins and a long, long finish. It lasts for minutes on the palate. The precision of the cabernet sauvignon comes through here. Better in 2016. 98/100


Galloni über: Solaia

-- Galloni: In this context, it is obvious why the 2010 is the greatest Solaia ever made. The 2010 has it all; expressive aromatics, wonderfully nuanced fruit and tons of supporting structure. The 2010 has been magnificent since I started tasting the component wines in 2011. Now that it is in bottle, it is every bit as stunning as I had hoped. Readers will not want to miss this towering masterpiece from the Antinori family. Ideally, the 2010 should be cellared until at least age ten. This mesmerizing, wonderfully complete Solaia represents the height of finesse Antinori started to achieve with the 2004. In time, the 2010 will be recognized as one of the all-time legendary Solaias. Actually, it already is. I can't think of a better wine with which to wrap up this monumental, truly once-in-a-lifetime tasting. 98/100


Decanter über: Solaia

-- Decanter: The 2010 Solaia is less immediately giving on the nose than the Tignanello of the same vintage, taking time to reveal nuances of grilled herbs, black raspberry and currants beneath the cedar and spice. As it opens, it builds in intensity reaching a crescendo on the long powerful finish. There is plenty of dense fruit to back up mouth filling tannins, which are remarkably sophisticated and a testament to the ongoing fine tuning at this Antinori property.98/100


Parker über: Solaia

-- Parker: The 2010 Solaia puts on an incredible show that hits all the senses and keeps your unyielding attention for as long as there is wine in the bottle. There are various ways to describe the bouquet. First, is the wine’s sweet side, as this beautiful 75-20-5 blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Sangiovese and Cabernet Franc delivers ripe cherry, black currant, baking spice and dark chocolate. After that, the wine becomes redolent of tobacco, balsam, bay leaf, rum cake and dark licorice. The bouquet is all encompassing and complete. A firmly structured backbone is padded generously by the fleshy richness of its consistency. This is a gorgeous wine that will age for decades. Anticipated maturity: 2015-2040. 97/100

Mein Winzer


Die antiken Wurzeln dieser toskanischen Weinbaufamilie gehen bis ins 14. Jahrhundert zurück. Traditionsverbundenheit und innovativer Geist der Familie Antinori haben entscheidend dazu beigetragen, dass das Haus heute den Ruf eines der kreativsten und dynamischsten Weinerzeugers in Italien genießt.

Solaia 2010