Ser Lapo Chianti Classico Riserva 2018

Mazzei: Ser Lapo Chianti Classico Riserva 2018

Zum Winzer

Sangiovese 90%, Merlot 10%
rot, trocken
13,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2022–2032
Verpackt in: 6er
voluminös & kräftig
Lobenberg: 93–94/100
Suckling: 94/100
Wine Spectator: 93/100
Galloni: 92/100
Italien, Toscana, Chianti und Vino Nobile
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Ser Lapo Chianti Classico Riserva 2018


Lobenberg: Das ist der typische Fonterutoli-Wein in Reinkultur. Satte frische Beerenfrucht mit moderner Holzinterpretation. Seidiges Tannin, vollmundig, frische Säure und mega-elegant. Ein leckerer Über-Chianti. 93-94/100


Suckling über: Ser Lapo Chianti Classico Riserva

-- Suckling: Black cherry, bark and earth on the nose with some dark-mushroom character. It’s full-bodied with very soft tannins and a juicy, savory finish. Wet-earth and forest-floor character comes through nicely at the finish. Drink or hold. 94/100


Wine Spectator über: Ser Lapo Chianti Classico Riserva

-- Wine Spectator: Featuring black cherry, blueberry, mint, iron and Tuscan scrub flavors, this solid red is built for aging, with ripe fruit returning on the long finish. All the components are there—this just needs time. Sangiovese and Merlot. Best from 2024 through 2040. 93/100


Galloni über: Ser Lapo Chianti Classico Riserva

-- Galloni: The 2018 Chianti Classico Riserva Ser Lapo is a powerful, wild wine. Crushed flowers, game, herbs and licorice notes give the 2018 its distinctly savory, earthy personality. Brooding in feel, the 2018 will benefit from a few years in bottle. Most of this fruit comes from Mazzei's Caggio property, the site that informs the new Ipsus wine. In my view, Ser Lapo is the hidden gem in the Mazzei range, and the wine I would most like to drink, if forced to chose just one Chianti Classico in the lineup. 92/100

Weingut über: Ser Lapo Chianti Classico Riserva

-- Weingut: With this outstanding Chianti Classico Riserva, the Marquis Mazzei celebrate their notable ancestor Ser Lapo, author of the first official document mentioning “Chianti wine'. The vintage 2018: The 2018 vintage was characterised by a dynamic winter, with northern currents in December and February and a mild climate in January, with abundant rainfall, both of snow and rain, which offset the serious water deficit of the previous years. Spring brought about temperatures above the seasonal average together with abundant rainfall. The budding was early but showed no problems. From 10 June on, temperatures started to rise again and, in the Chianti Classico area, the summer was good with uniform rainfall. July and August were as usual, while September was marked by a series of sunny days with a large temperature range between day and night, which allowed the grapes to reach the correct phenolic and aromatic ripeness. In short, this harvest was very satisfying harvest from a quantitative and, especially, a qualitative point of view.

Mein Winzer


Fonterutoli-Mazzei ist eines der bedeutendsten Weingüter der Toskana. Zum Familienbesitz der Weindynastie gehören 650 Hektar Land. 110 Hektar davon sind mit Reben bepflanzt. Trotz all der Tradition des Familienunternehmens gibt es keinen Stillstand, sondern eine stetige Verbesserung sowohl in den...

Ser Lapo Chianti Classico Riserva 2018