Sassicaia 2015

Tenuta San Guido: Sassicaia 2015


Zum Winzer

Cabernet Sauvignon 80%, Cabernet Franc 20%
rot, trocken
14,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2025–2050
Verpackt in: 6er OHK
voluminös & kräftig
seidig & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 98–100/100
Falstaff: 99/100
Suckling: 98/100
International Wine Report: 98/100
Weinwisser: 19,5/20
Parker: 97/100
Wine Enthusiast: 97/100
Decanter: 97/100
Wine Spectator: 97/100
Wine Spectator Top100: 1. Platz
Italien, Toscana, Bolgheri
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Sassicaia 2015


Lobenberg: Sassicaia ist ein echter Genuss! Unglaublich seidiges Mundgefühl, etwas grüner Paprika, reife Pflaume, Zedernholz, eine Spur Tabak. Das alles in einem sexy Korsett, der Sassicaia bleibt enorm gebündelt und konzentriert am Gaumen. Sehr langer Nachhall, ordentlich Druck am Gaumen. Ein ganz typischer Vertreter des Hauses! 98-100/100


Falstaff über: Sassicaia

-- Falstaff: Funkelndes, intensives Rubinrot. Sehr intensive und dichte Nase, klar nach dunkler Johannisbeere, im Hintergrund feine Minze, dazu Noten nach Macchiakräutern. Viel saftige, klare Frucht im Ansatz, öffnet sich mit viel feinmaschigem Tannin, sehr gut eingebunden, gute Spannung, präsente, klare Frucht, im Finale sehr langer Nachhall, sehr präzise, wie aus einem Block gemeißelt. 99/100


Suckling über: Sassicaia

-- Suckling: Love the aromas to this young red with blackcurrants, sage, cinnamon and five-spice character. Changes all the time. Full-bodied, dense and powerful with a ripe and rich tannin backbone that gives form and beauty to the ripe and beautiful fruit. Tight and very long. Approachable now but will reward more in five to six years. A classic Sassicaia. 98/100


International Wine Report über: Sassicaia

-- International Wine Report: -- IWR: The 2015 Sassicaia is utterly fascinating, and may be the finest vintage I have tasted in the past decade. It begins to open with simply striking aromatics of ripe red and dark fruits, which come together with spices, tobacco, floral and graphite all taking shape. On the palate this shows remarkable overall purity, focus and balance with a gorgeous velvety texture and beautifully polished tannins making it extreamly captivating, even at this youthful age. It displays remarkable precision and concentration, with fantastic underlying acidity providing wonderful lift, as well as a lovely sense of freshness leading up to the long, polished finish. This is already absolutely stunning, and it also possesses the characeristics, as well as the track record to age gracefully for years to come. This has the potential to become one of the all-time great vintages for this iconic wine. 98/100


Weinwisser über: Sassicaia

-- Weinwisser: Mehrmals verkostet, zuletzt vor wenigen Wochen zwei Mal hintereinander auf dem Gut. Eleganter, vielschichtiger und gleichzeitig auch kozentrierter Duft von Cassis, Holunderbeeren, Herzkirschen und floralen sowie mineralisch-erdigen Noten mit einem Hauch Balsamik. Im Mund extrem fest und kompakt, dabei ungemein elegant, saftig und präzise arrangiert, das Tannin ist schön seidenfein und von höchster Qualität, dass man unweigerlich die Lust verspürt, den Wein auch jung zu trinken, aber hier wird man mit weiterer Flaschenreife belohnt, denn der Wein hat neben seiner kompakt-eleganten und jetzt schon angedeuteten hedonistischen Art eine große innere Dichte, die weiteres Potenzial birgt. Beeindruckende Balance mit antizipierter Genussreife. 2022-2038. 19,5/20


Parker über: Sassicaia

-- Parker: Having followed this wine's evolution in barrel for the past few years, it is an honor to evaluate the final product. This Sassicaia has blossomed since my previous encounters with it as a young, awkward adolescent. The long-awaited 2015 Bolgheri Sassicaia represents a tremendous effort that comes together with seamless precision and focus. This is a confident and proud red wine from Tuscany. Starting with the primary material at hand, you sense the quality of fruit thanks to the wine's beautifully dark appearance and the rich texture it offers to the palate. The acidity is integrated, but more freshness still would have been welcomed in my view (and would also contribute to its longevity). The bouquet is amplified both in terms of volume and length. Its playlist includes dark berry fruit, spice, leather, licorice and roasted coffee bean. Yet, the mouthfeel is extremely graceful and silky. The wine's undisputed pedigree is showcased on the palate. It should also be noted that this edition of Sassicaia feels more ready and open to me. It will age and evolve beautifully, but the 2015 Sassicaia can also be enjoyed in the medium-term. This wine is all about the here and now.


Wine Enthusiast über: Sassicaia

-- Wine Enthusiast: This iconic wine's blackberry, cedar and vanilla aromas fill the glass. The elegant, structured palate delivers juicy black currant, black cherry, exotic spice, crushed herb and menthol flavors alongside taut, fine-grained tannins. It boasts a fantastic combination of delicious, ripe fruits, balanced by remarkable freshness and agility for the hot vintage. 97/100


Decanter über: Sassicaia

-- Decanter: The warm 2015 vintage in Tuscany helped to tame the naturally tart character of Sangiovese. However, located just 5km from the coast, the cooling influence of the sea breezes has produced an outstanding phenolic ripeness in the vineyards of Bolgheri. Sassicaia in 2015 shows a mix of dark and red fruits, with some restrained kiwi and cedar wood length underpinned by a lively, fruity acidity and tannins that are dense but not tough. An exceptional Sassicaia to cellar for decades. 97/100


Wine Spectator über: Sassicaia

-- Wine Spectator: Rich and concentrated, this red features black currant, blackberry, violet, mineral and spice flavors. Dense yet lively, structured yet impeccably balanced, with vibrant acidity driving the long, fruit-filled aftertaste. The oak is beautifully integrated. Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc. Best from 2023 through 2042. 97/100

Mein Winzer

Tenuta San Guido

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Sassicaia 2015