Quinta da Pellada Alto 2008

Alvaro Castro: Quinta da Pellada Alto 2008

Zum Winzer

Touriga Nacional 60%, Tinta Roriz 25%, diverse autochthone Reben 15%
rot, trocken
13,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2013–2030
Verpackt in: 6er
seidig & aromatisch
voluminös & kräftig
Lobenberg: 96–98/100
Parker: 95/100
Fine: 95/100
Portugal, Dao
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Quinta da Pellada Alto 2008


Lobenberg: Sehr konzentrierte Nase. Enthält auch uralten Touriga Nacional, der in manchen Jahren separat vinifiziert wird. Im Mund Noten von dunkler Marmelade und Toastaromen. Auch viel rote Beeren und Kirsche präsentierend. Sehr komplex und ungeheuer lang. Auf der qualitativen Höhe der großen Rotweine des Douro (aber wie ein schlanker, unendlich langer Cote Rotie, im Gegensatz zu fetteren Kraftmeiern aus Chateauneuf), aber durch die Granitböden und die kühlere Klimatik ein Ausbund an Finesse und Feinheit, mit Druck und extrem sauberer Definition immer geradeaus. Extrem kraftvolle rote Frucht und satter Druck bei seidigen und doch intensiven Tanninen. Weltklasse! 96-98/100


Parker über: Quinta da Pellada Alto

-- Parker: -- Pakrer: The 2008 TINTO “QUINTA DA PELLADA” (not to be confused with the blended, regular Tinto, this one has a round shouldered bottle and “Quinta da Pellada” on the front in big letters) is 45% Touriga Nacional, 20% TInta Roriz, 10% Jaen and the rest an old vines field blend, aged for 24 months in French oak. Not surprisingly, given the time in oak, the first impression here is oak, a touch of licorice and vanilla. Yet, it is nowhere near as prominent as one might think. That doesn’t last long as the dominant impression. This is a powerful yet balanced wine built for the long haul with a serious backbone and fine acidity. The steely notes, good acidity and the fruit continuously pop up. It has a feeling of grace and elegance despite its underlying power, a beautifully constructed mid-palate and the promise of harmony to come. If you are an oak-a-phobe, I would bet that you will still like this—just not now. This wine should integrate its oak, not to mention its other disjointed parts at the moment, and come together brilliantly. You will need to show a little patience there. Come back in 5-7 years. You will be rewarded. Drink 2013-2028. 95/100


Fine über: Quinta da Pellada Alto

-- Fine: One of Dao's finest winemakers, Alvaro Castro produces a variety of fine wines from Quinta da Pellada and Quinta de Saes. An examination of the fine wines of this estate is a must for anyone who wants to understand this region. Also, Castro's flagship wine is usually just the Quinta da Pellada Tinto, just like Chateau Lafite Rothschild bottles a wine simply saying Chateau Lafite as their upper level red. However, in 2006 he used 'Reserva' on the label from Quinta da Pellada. 95/100

Mein Winzer

Alvaro Castro

Als Alvaro Castro 1980 die Quinta nahe des Nationalparks Serra d’Estrela im Dao bezog, war Weinbau für ihn noch eine längst vergangene Familientradition. Doch hier in dieser wilden und ursprünglichen Gegend fing der gelernte Bauingenieur an, sich für Wein zu begeistern und die seit Generationen...

Quinta da Pellada Alto 2008