Sammlerbox: Barbaresco Riserva 2015

Produttori del Barbaresco Sammlerbox: Barbaresco Riserva 2015

9 Flaschen

Zum Winzer


Diese Sammlerbox enthält je eine Flasche der Barbaresco Riserva aus dem Jahr 2015 Asili DOCG, Pora DOCG, Paje DOCG, Montestefano DOCG,Montefico DOCG, Rabaja DOCG, Ovello DOCG, Rio Sordo DOCG, Muncagota DOCG


Heiner Lobenberg über:
Sammlerbox: Barbaresco Riserva 2015


Lobenberg: In dieser Sammlerbox ist jeweils eine Flasche der streng zugeteilten Cru Lagen der Produttori del Barbaresco enthalten:Montefico liegt zwar näher am Fluss Tanaro als die zuvor probierte Lage Rio Sordo, aber es liegt ein 200 Meter hoher Berg zwischen dem Weinberg und dem Fluss. Das heißt, es gibt eine totale Abschottung gegen den Tanaro und damit keine Einflüsse des kühlen, feuchten Flusses. Montefico ist eine sehr kleine Lage, sehr kompakt und komplett nach Süden exponiert. Es gibt nur fünf Hektar, die Reben stehen auf weißem Lehm. Insgesamt liefern nur drei Erzeuger die Trauben ab. Der Montefico ist das Gegenstück zum Rio Sordo, der so extrem fein, leicht und filigran ist. Montefico ist aufgrund seiner Lage, der Böden und der Hitze das komplette Gegenteil. Das ist die Power schlechthin. Es schiebt nicht mit komplexen Noten, sondern einfach mit satter, reicher, warmer Frucht. Mit viel Terroir, satter Lakritze, schwarzer Frucht, Holunder, Brombeere, Cassis und schwarzer Kirsche. Im Mund ein Ereignis, weil es einfach so ein genialer Schub ist, der über die Zunge läuft. Massen von Salz, Massen von Gestein, Massen von ultrageschliffenem, aber sehr präsentem Tannin. Ich hatte kurz vorher den Barbaresco Rabaja von Giacosa, damit kann dieser Produttori locker mithalten. So eine brachiale Intensität, trotzdem ist der Wein das Gegenteil von rustikal. Es ist eine unglaubliche Feinheit, mit unglaublich Schub gleichermaßen. 97+/100 *** Die Lage Rio Sordo liegt im Süden des Barbaresco-Gebiets, Richtung Treiso. Es ist eine überwiegend sandige, nach Süden exponierte Lage, mit ein bisschen Lehm-Einsprengseln. Ein Tal, das direkt vom Fluss Tanaro hochläuft, hat großen Einfluss. Insgesamt ist Rio Sordo eher eine leichtere, verspieltere Lage innerhalb der Crus von Barbaresco. Nur zwei Winzer liefern die Trauben für den Wein ab. Aber es ist ein Jahr für die Ewigkeit, ein Jahr, um darauf zu warten. Die Nase des Rio Sordo ist sehr verschlossen, wie ein Baukasten. Links, rechts, oben, unten – ganz sauber definiert. Lakritze, rote, schwarze Frucht, ganz sauber geschnitten, wie aus einem Block. Im Mund dann deutlich feiner rüberkommend. Das Tannin ist zwar sehr präsent, total seidig, nichts Bäuerliches, aber eben präsent. Für Minuten stehend, immer wieder hochrollend mit grandioser Frische, mit Tanninen und Terroir, vom Sandigen kommend, also ganz fein. Extrem verspielter Barbaresco. Ein wunderschöner Riserva. Kein Riese, aber einfach nur schön. 95/100 *** Muncagota liegt auf der Spitze eines Hügels, von Barbaresco Richtung Neive gehend. Es ist die höchste Lage überhaupt in Barbaresco, an die 400 Meter. Komplett kühl und windig, nach Osten exponiert. Die Böden bestehen aus weißem Lehm. Ein Extrem! Die Nase ist fast leicht, aber aromatisch. Mehr rote als schwarze Frucht, nur ein kleiner Hauch Lakritze und Veilchen. Sehr ätherisch. Fast rasiermesserscharfer Mund. Die Frische ist überwältigend, die Säure ist grandios. Der Wein hallt mit seiner großen Frische und Feinheit lange nach. Er hat nicht ganz diese spielerische Leichtigkeit wie der Rio Sordo, er hat mehr Kraft, was am weißen Lehm liegt. Aber er ist trotzdem tänzelnd und hat eben diese Säure der Morgensonne. Ihm fehlt die Wucht des Montefico, oder positiv ausgedrückt: er hat nicht diese Belastung, sondern das Spielerische, zusammen mit der Kraft aus dem weißen Lehm. 94-95+/100 *** Rabaja ist eine Südwest-Exposition mit Siliziumböden und Sand, also grundsätzlich gut für sehr feine Weine. Auch durchaus mit schöner Wärme ausgestattet. Direkt nach dem kühleren Ovello verkostet wird auch direkt klar was das bedeutet. Wir haben viel mehr Fruchtsüße in dieser reichen, rotfruchtigen Nase. Himbeere, Erdbeere, Hagebutte, Schlehe, Sauerkirsche aber noch viel mehr süße und auch etwas schwarze Kirsche darunter. Mit einer guten Fülle daherkommend und vor allen Dingen mit dieser Süße intensiv schiebend. Ganz helle Lakritze, die für Nebbiolo so typisch ist, und gleichzeitig eine Flieder- und Veilchenduftigkeit. Sehr verspielt, süß und reich, aber nie fett. Im Mund dann ein extremer Zug. Da geht es geradeaus mit viel Spannung. Hat eine wahnsinnige Frische, wieder mit viel roter Frucht, aber alles vibriert ob dieser grandiosen Frische. Deutlich mehr Kalk und Kreide im Mund als die vorherige Lage Ovello. Weniger ätherisch schwebend aber auch nicht wuchtig, sondern nur mit viel Druck immer geradeaus schiebend. Man könnte denken das sei ein fetter Wein, aber das ist überhaupt nicht der Fall. Es bleibt eine tänzelnde Primadonna, nur eben mit wärmenden Händen im Rücken. 97-98/100 *** Die Lage Ovello ist hoch gelegen, das ist eine kühle Exposition. Der Weinberg liegt um Montefico herum, was Südexposition ist. Ovello ist dementsprechend Südost-Ost und Südwest-West Ausrichtung, eher cool climate. Die absolute Topreife der Weinberge erreicht Montefico. Die Kühle der Lage Ovello ist in der Nase schon spürbar. Ja, eigentlich kann ich bei der ersten Riserva hier nicht sagen, dass ich komplett geflasht bin, eher überrascht ob der Kühle und Finesse. Das ist so unglaublich fein. 2015 kommt natürlich diese Süße, diese jahrgangsspezifische fruchtige Wollust. Ganz helle Lakritze ausstrahlend, Himbeere, Erdbeere, ein bisschen Hagebutte, die typische leichte, elegante Frucht aus Barbaresco. 2015 und 2016 waren eben auch Jahrgänge mit unglaublich feinen Tanninen, da gibt es nichts Hartes, nichts Grünes. Aber die Frische und die Kühle aus der Südwest- und Südost-Exposition sind durchaus spürbar. Im Mund wird die Kühle noch deutlicher, da zeigt sich eine ganz wunderbare Frische und eine fast Rasiermesser-artige Schärfe im feinen, salzigen Tannin. Sehr lang, die Augen ziehen sich zusammen, der Wein wird lang und länger, hört gar nicht mehr auf. Bleibt in dieser Frische und Finesse verhaftet, helle Lakritze, Milchschokolade und ganz viel feine, rote Frucht. Johannisbeere, ein bisschen Himbeere, und nur ein ganz leichter Hauch von Sauerkirsche. Das Ganze ist so fein verwoben, sehr harmonisch. Im Grund ist das so eine Art Barolo La Serra von Voerzio bloß auf Barbaresco übersetzt. Ganz lang, voll auf Finesse und Verspieltheit. Toller Wein. Wenn das hier so weitergeht kann ich nur sagen, dass ich wirklich froh bin vor einigen Jahren, auf Empfehlung von Vietti, mit den Produttori angefangen zu haben. Das gehört wirklich mit zum Feinsten was das Piemont zu bieten hat. 95-97/100Bei den Produttori wird nicht jedes Jahr eine Riserva erzeugt, nur in überragenden Ausnahmejahren. 2018 wird der gesamte Wein trotz der Güte des Jahrgangs in den Village überführt. Von den Genossen der Einzellage natürlich immer als solche eingeliefert, aber nur bei perfekter Qualität der Trauben hinsichtlich Tannin, pH-Wert, Schalendicke und Gesundheitszustand wird eine Riserva auch tatsächlich forciert. Bevor der Ausbau im Holz beginnt, wird schon die Entscheidung getroffen ob das Material eine Riserva werden kann oder nicht. Alles andere wird deklassiert in den normalen Barbaresco Village. Es gibt von der Riserva jeweils immer nur 10.000 bis 15.000 Flaschen. Bei diesem wahnsinnig hohen Qualitätsanspruch und der enormen Auslese ist das ein wirklich sehr hoher Level.


Decanter über: Sammlerbox: Barbaresco Riserva

-- Decanter: Asili has a warmer microclimate than most vineyards in its area. It was first produced by Produttori as a single- vineyard wine in 1967. The 2015 is tight, tannic and reserved, with bright red berries and vanilla creeping out of the glass. In the mouth it has some meaty savouriness, and gives a hint of the complexity to come, but as it stands this needs a lot more time to become approachable. Scored for its potential. 96/100 *** Pora is one of Barbaresco's largest vineyards, situated on a southwest-facing slope close to the river where the soils are relatively fertile and loose. Produttori has made a wine from Pora since 1967, and today around 16,500 bottles are produced in vintages when it's made. This 2015 still has a pronounced woody aroma, and while it's mouthilling it manages to retain some elegance. It's obviously youthful: the vanilla- and spice-infused wood flavours dominate and hold your attention, the fruit unable as of yet to punch through. It does have plenty of promise, however, and you could expect the succulent and ripe fruits to hold more sway over the next decade as the wood integrates. 94/100 *** This small south- southwest-facing vineyard near the town of Barbaresco has been the source of a single-vineyard wine from Produttori since 1967. The 2015 Riserva is concentrated and intense, with rich meaty and gamey flavours and some iodine and ink depths. The tannins are sweet and integrated, and the finish has subtle vanilla and wood touches. It's a softer expression compared to most of the other vineyards here, but that doesn't mean that it won't age - just that you can enjoy it a bit sooner. Around 6,500 bottles produced. 95/100 *** Similar in makeup and location to Montefico but on a steeper slope, Montestefano is one of the last vineyards in Barbaresco to be picked. It was first produced as a single-vineyard wine by Produttori in 1974. The 2015 is big but balanced: Intense aromas of macerated cherry are joined by some blackberry and barrel spice notes. The acidity is perfectly balanced, playing off the structure and density on the palate, helping this to remain light on its feet throughout. Superb. 14,000 bottles and 1,300 magnums produced. 97/100 *** Montefico lies immediately to the south of Ovello and just north of Montestefano. Produttori's first single-vineyard release from this site was in 1970. In 2015, it seems to combine the tightness of Asili with the fragrant, red-fruited beauty of Muncagota. There's some earthy complexity and black pepper spice, accompanied by gentle but purposeful acidity. 6,500 bottles produced. 95/100 *** Rabajà has a complex mix of soils and at its northern edges joins the vineyards of Asili and Muncagota. This was first bottled by Produttori as a single-vineyard wine in 1971. The 2015 is darker and richer than all here other than perhaps the Asili and Rio Sordo. It has an intense meaty, inky character framed by wood and with an overlay of vanilla. It combines power and density with elegant tannins and high acidity. 17,300 bottles and 1,300 magnums produced. 96/100 *** Ovello is the northernmost vineyard in the Barbaresco commune - and the largest. It was one of the original five vineyards individually bottled in 1967 by Produttori. The clayey soils and exposure to the cool northern winds gives this wine a full body and structured tannins. The 2015 features a woody, vanilla-toned fragrance with some delicate cherry fruit. In the mouth it's a latticework of well integrated tannins with lacy acidity draped over deep hedgerow fruits, followed by some subtle wood spice on the long finish. This is one to leave for a few years, but there's so much potential here. 17,000 bottles and 1,200 magnums produced. 95/100 *** At the southern end of the commune of Barbaresco lies Rio Sordo, known for producing powerful wines. First produced by Produttori in 1978, this is right on the mark, with a denseness and muscularity that makes it stand out in the lineup. It has an inky, meaty depth which seems to have absorbed the wood into it so that it's not so pronounced, overlaid with plenty of complex, savoury damp earth character. This is less pure and ripe in feel that the Pora, and although the acidity still has presence, it's softer, more gentle. This is a smooth, dense, intense wine that you will want to sink into. 10,000 bottles produced. 94/100 *** The southeast-facing Muncagota vineyard catches the morning sun, giving this wine a slightly lighter character. This 2015 has delicious red berry and cherry flavours and scents. The tannins are slightly more rustic, perhaps, and it's the least full-bodied wine here, but its earthy elegance makes this a refreshing change for a Riserva. 13,000 bottles produced. 94/100


Wine Enthusiast über: Sammlerbox: Barbaresco Riserva

-- Wine Enthusiast: Wild berry, violet, new leather, forest floor and eucalyptus aromas lift out of the glass. The elegant, full-bodied palate delivers dried black cherry, raspberry compote, licorice and dried mint alongside taut, polished tannins. Given the hot, dry growing season, this is a more powerful and concentrated version of Asili. 95/100 *** Underbrush, wild herb and dark-skinned-berry aromas form the nose along with a whiff of camphor. On the firm, structured palate, tightly knit but noble tannins offset dried Marasca cherry, cranberry, orange zest and star anise. Tense and youthfully austere, it needs a few years to unwind. Drink 2022–2027. 95/100 *** Violet, new leather, perfumed berry and a whiff of face powder mingle together with camphor on this fragrant red. On the structured, polished palate, taut, refined tannins support succulent Morello cherry, mulberry and licorice. It's already tempting, but hold for even more complexity. Drink 2022–2027. 97/100 *** Balsamic aromas of camphor mingle with mature dark-skinned berry, leather, licorice and vanilla on this structured red. The full-bodied palate reflects the nose, delivering raspberry compote, star anise, crushed mint and hazelnut alongside firm, fine-grained tannins. Drink after 2023. 94/100 *** Balsamic aromas of camphor and new leather mingle with scorched earth and mature black-skinned berry on this full-bodied red. Mirroring the nose, the enveloping palate delivers ripe Marasca cherry, black raspberry and licorice alongside tightly knit, fine-grained tannins before a hazelnut close. Drink 2022–2030. 96/100 *** Wild berry, violet, face powder and eucalyptus aromas lift out of the glass. On the youthfully austere, structured palate, tightly knit but noble tannins wrap around black cherry, raspberry, licorice and crushed mint. Give this a few more years to fully develop. Drink 2025–2035. 96/100 *** Fragrant and full bodied, this structured red has enticing aromas evoking woodland berry, balsamic aromas of pine, rose petal and exotic spice. The enveloping palate delivers crushed raspberry, succulent Marasca cherry, licorice and nutmeg alongside firm, tightly knit tannins. Fresh acidity lends tension and balance. Best 2022–2027. 97/100 *** Dark-skinned berry, camphor, rose and crushed stone aromas shape the nose along with a whiff of pipe tobacco. The aromas carry on to the structured, full-bodied palate along with juicy Marasca cherry and licorice. Firm, fine-grained tannins provide support. Drink 2022–2030. 96/100 *** Rose, red berry and star anise aromas align with earthy whiffs of forest floor and new leather. The full-bodied, delicious palate doles out succulent Morello cherry, black raspberry, licorice and chopped mint set against a backbone of firm but refined tannins. It's already gorgeous but will be even better with just a few more years of bottle age. Drink 2022–2030. 97/100


Parker über: Sammlerbox: Barbaresco Riserva

-- Parker: One of the protagonists in this group of nine, the Produttori del Barbaresco 2015 Barbaresco Riserva Asili (with some 13,333 bottles made) shows bright cherry fruit, dried raspberry and blood orange. The wine's delicate aromatic layering continues with rusty iron, aniseed, tea leaf and camphor ash. Those lifted and vertical aromas contribute to the energy and vibrancy that this wine awards to the palate. The finish is extremely polished and tight, and those pretty flavors are folded neatly into the wine's silky texture. This wine has many years, or decades, of aging built into its inner clock. 96/100 *** Following the suggestion of Produttori del Barbaresco General Manager Renato Vacca, I am starting off this series of nine Riservas with the 2015 Barbaresco Riserva Pora. This wine is usually the most delicate, slender and ephemeral of this set. However, I can immediately confirm that this is not necessarily the case with this exuberant 2015 vintage. The sunny heat of the growing season has successfully drawn out more fruit weight and intensity in this edition of Pora. The wine overdelivers in terms of aromas, but its streamlined and polished personality follows through to the palate. Those divergent intensity levels will smooth out with more bottle age. Some 16,666 bottles were released. 94/100 *** The Produttori del Barbaresco 2015 Barbaresco Riserva Pajè shows a heavier center of gravity (compared to the Pora) with thicker concentration of dark fruit at the middle. The jump is not big, but it is noticeable, like one step up a ladder. This wine produces more ferrous earth and iron ore with plenty of dark fruit. The mouthfeel is less complicated and shorter too in this vintage, although the tannins feel firm and prominent. Between Pora and Pajè, I'd give a slight edge to Pora. Some 10,000 bottles were released. 93/100 *** This is the last wine I tasted in this group of nine from Produttori del Barbaresco. The reason I placed the 2015 Barbaresco Riserva Montestefano last is because it is usually considered to be the most powerful and determined in the flight. However, when you really get down to it, this vintage is more tight, streamlined and ethereal than expected. It is saving the best for later, and indeed, the wine is poised to evolve and open fully many years from now. There is a note of shyness here or restraint. Exactly 16,036 bottles were made, and this Riserva demands patience. 94/100 *** The Produttori del Barbaresco 2015 Barbaresco Riserva Montefico boasts a solid center of gravity with dark fruit, plum, spice and spent embers. Everything about this wine is sultry, velvety and succulent. It goes to follow that the wine's structure is more pronounced, contoured and shapely. This Riserva delivers more sheer fruit weight (in the context of the always elegant Nebbiolo grape) that is carried with grace and poise throughout. Some 16,666 bottles were released. 95/100 *** The Produttori del Barbaresco 2015 Barbaresco Riserva Rabajà is a stunning wine. The aromas rise from the glass with purpose, clarity and extreme definition. This is indeed a very special wine, thanks to the direct and linear quality of fruit and the elegant tannins that build the long finish. The Nebbiolo grape is elevated to a beautiful plain or plateau, where it shows off its naked beauty in a clear and unobstructed manner. The wine affords us a panoramic view of the Piedmont grape, planted in the white tuffaceous marl soils of Rabajà. Exactly 16,104 bottles were made. 97/100 *** The Produttori del Barbaresco 2015 Barbaresco Riserva Ovello has a very distinct character that is expressed in terms of its fine but present tannic structure and its somewhat fragile primary fruit. The Ovello dives straight into those ephemeral Nebbiolo aromas with an emphasis on licorice, tar, blue flower and campfire ash. If you consider this timeline of Riservas, this wine brings us through that magic threshold in which Nebbiolo starts to show its unique aromatic appeal and mystique. This is always one of my favorites in this series of nine. Production is 18,741 bottles. 96/100 *** This wine usually falls somewhere in the middle of the Riserva continuum (starting with the most lithe and elegant wine and ending with the most powerful) presented by Produttori del Barbaresco in this knockout series of nine single-vineyard expressions. The 2015 Barbaresco Riserva Rio Sordo is another personal favorite. This group of Ovello, Rio Sordo, Asili and Rabajà (that sweet spot of neighboring vineyard sites in Barbaresco) is especially profound in 2015, striking a careful balance between elegance against power. The Rio Sordo offers tight and sharp fruit complete with a little tannic pinch or crunch on the close. Production is 13,333 bottles. 96+/100 *** The Produttori del Barbaresco 2015 Barbaresco Riserva Muncagota shows beautifully in this sunny and warm vintage, producing intense and compelling primary fruit with wild cherry, plum and black currant. Compared to the other Riservas, the fruit profile of Muncagota is darker and richer. More significant is the role the tannins play in this wine. They contribute to a long and firm spinal cord that gives structure and muscle mass. This Barbaresco Riserva shows an affinity to shaved truffles over egg pasta, or gamey fowl such as duck or pigeon. Some 16,666 bottles were made. 95/100

Wine Spectator über: Sammlerbox: Barbaresco Riserva

-- Wine Spectator: Bright cherry and berry fruit picks up a saline edge in this fleshy red, which stays defined and vibrant despite the assertive tannins. In the end, all the components are in the right proportion; this just needs time to integrate. Best from 2023 through 2043. 1,111 cases made, 250 cases imported. 96/100 *** A mix of black cherry, mint, eucalyptus and tar flavors highlight this firmly structured Barbaresco, which nonetheless remains fresh and focused, with a line of dense tannins lifting the long finish. Best from 2023 through 2043. 1,388 cases made, 350 cases imported. 94/100 *** A beam of fresh cherry and plum plays out over a line of earth, tar and licorice in this round and open red, with well-integrated tannins for support. Shows excellent balance and length and should be approachable soon. Best from 2023 through 2040. 833 cases made, 175 cases imported. 93/100 *** This is supple and expressive, featuring strawberry, cherry, floral and freshly cut hay flavors on an elegant frame, undergirded by a stiff backbone of tannins, with racy acidity and a finish that melds the ripe fruity component with the structure. Tar, tobacco and licorice accents linger. Best from 2023 through 2045. 1,336 cases made, 275 cases imported. 94/100 *** Savory notes of salty licorice and eucalyptus combine with cherry, plum and tar flavors in this beefy red, which is broad, maintaining a sense of freshness, with ripe tannins that are well-integrated and balanced. The savory note echoes on the finish. Best from 2023 through 2045. 1,388 cases made, 250 cases imported. 94/100 *** Though rich, this red offers bright acidity and dense tannins that lend a sense of tightness, with pure cherry, strawberry and floral flavors that are persistent from start to lingering finish, where distinct spice and mineral elements play out. Best from 2023 through 2045. 1,342 cases made, 275 cases imported. 97/100 *** An opulent and complex version, boasting cherry, strawberry, cut hay, iron and tobacco aromas and flavors. Firms up nicely on the finish, with terrific balance and length. Shows both a fruity and a savory side, with fine potential to age. Best from 2023 through 2045. 1,561 cases made, 350 cases imported. 96/100 *** This is lush and harmonious, laced with cherry, plum, licorice, iron and eucalyptus aromas and flavors. There is also a verticality here, with lively acidity and dense, well-mannered tannins creating support and depth. A saline note graces the lingering aftertaste. Best from 2023 through 2045. 1,111 cases made, 250 cases imported. 95/100 *** On the lean side for 2015, with wild herb accents to the core of cherry and plum flavors, this is fluid and bright, with a line of tannins building on the finish. This expands nicely, filling out and lingering. Best from 2023 through 2038. 1,388 cases made, 350 cases imported. 93/100

Mein Winzer

Produttori del Barbaresco

Produttori del Barbaresco ist keine gewöhnliche Winzergenossenschaft. Durch die kompromisslose Qualitätspolitik gehört sie zu den besten und nachgefragtesten Nebbiolo Spezialisten des Piemonts – alle Cru-Lagen sind streng zugeteilt. Die Genossenschaft wurde 1958 vom Pfarrer Don Fiorino Marengo...