Pretty Pony 2019

Pretty Pony 2019

Cabernet Sauvignon 80%, Merlot 20%
rot, trocken
15,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2027–2043
Verpackt in: 6er
pikant & würzig
Lobenberg: 95/100
Suckling: 91/100
Parker: 90/100
China, Ningxia
Allergene: Sulfite

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Pretty Pony 2019


Lobenberg: Tiefes Rubinrot im Glas. Tatsächlich passen die Namen »Wild Pony« und »Pretty Pony« perfekt zu den jeweiligen Weinen von Kanaan. Während ersterer mächtig, fast ungestüm durch den Mund fegt, legt das »Pretty Pony« schon beeindruckende Finesse an den Tag. Reife, schwarze und rote Kirschen, Pflaumen, Cassis. Erdige Aromen von schwarzem Tee hin zu frisch gedrehten Torf sind verwoben. Beim ersten Schluck trifft mich die frische Säure unerwartet. Sie balanciert diesen körperreichen Wein so wunderbar. Saftig, würzig mit puderzuckerfein polierten Tanninen. Am Ende bleiben dunkle Schokolade, Lakritz und Rauchfleisch auf der Zunge. In China hat sich qualitativ tatsächlich enorm viel getan – ich bin echt beeindruckt. Man kann diese Weine heutzutage einfach nicht mehr ignorieren! 95/100


Suckling über: Pretty Pony

-- Suckling: This shows a little more richness on the nose than the Wild Pony from the same vintage, with racier, sweet red fruit and a little more spicy toast that adds meaty savoriness, as well as a little more depth and complexity. There is minty freshness, too. A medium-bodied palate that unleashes juicy fruit and firm yet smoothly rendered tannin. Already enjoyable. Drink now. 91/100


Parker über: Pretty Pony

-- Parker: Kanaan’s 2019 Pretty Pony is a blend of 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Merlot and has a very deep ruby appearance. On the nose, there is some attractive, slightly brooding, dark black fruit—cassis, black cherry, mulberry and black plum—with a touch of leafiness (sage, cut grass) and some savory clove and toast (the 2019 saw 40% new small French oak for around 19 months). On the palate, the 2019 Pretty Pony is full-bodied with very ripe chewy and coating tannins, some supporting acidity and well-integrated higher alcohol. The structure is nicely filled out with a ripe core of dark fruit complemented by some toasty oak. 2019 is a really promising vintage for many Ningxia wineries, but especially for Kanaan. With its moderate to longer length, the 2019 Pretty Pony is, although youthful, already approachable and will improve in bottle over the next 5 or so years. This wine is also a decent value (at 398RMB) given the vagaries of the mainland Chinese market for pricing. 90/100

Mein Winzer

Kanaan Winery

Die Kanaan Winery gehört zu den am meisten gefeierten Weingütern Chinas. Neben imposanten Bordeaux-Blends erzeugt Winzerin Fang Wang sogar beeindruckenden Riesling!

Pretty Pony 2019