Masseto Merlot 2019

Ornellaia: Masseto Merlot 2019



Zum Winzer

Merlot 90%, Cabernet Franc 10%
rot, trocken
15,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2029–2059
Verpackt in: 1er OHK
voluminös & kräftig
Lobenberg: 100/100
Suckling: 99/100
Jane Anson: 99/100
Falstaff: 99/100
Decanter: 99/100
Galloni: 98+/100
Jeb Dunnuck: 98+/100
Parker: 98/100
Wine Spectator: 98/100
Vinum: 19,5/20
Italien, Toscana, Bolgheri
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Masseto Merlot 2019


Lobenberg: Schwarz. Massive, dichte Nase, schwarze Beeren, etwas erdige Würze. Im Mund viel Druck und Frucht, opulent, fast fett, konzentriertes Finish. 100/100


Suckling über: Masseto Merlot

-- Suckling: Intense aromas of blackberries and black olives, together with hints of rosemary bush and lavender. Perfumed and nuanced. Full-bodied, yet so tight and integrated, with weightless tannins that frame the wine in a precise and curated fashion. Very structured and built for aging. It’s rather shy now, but will reward those who are patient. A kind of stealth in its nature. A more thought-provoking edition of Masseto. Needs time to show its true self. Try after 2027. 99/100


Jane Anson über: Masseto Merlot

-- Jane Anson: A sculpted but intense Masseto, with a powerful creep through the palate of liqourice, chocolate, espresso, cocoa, turmeric and smoked vanilla bean. Stunningly rich in texture and concentration, but captures the freshness of eucalypytus, raspberry leaf and crushed mint. 100% new oak, confident, with a velvety punch of flavour from beginning to end. An interesting vintage in tems of the wider conversation around grapes and climate also, as a touch of Cabernet Franc is included for the first time for added grip, from a plot within the vineyard that was planted back in 2002. They expect this percentage to rise over the coming years, begging the question of whether bottles of the old style Masseto will become a time capsule of when Merlot was possible in Bolgerhi? All the more reason to savour it now. 12 months in bottle following the barrel ageing. Director Axel Heinz, winemaker Eleonora Marconi. 100% new oak. 99/100


Falstaff über: Masseto Merlot

-- Falstaff: Glänzendes, intensives Rubinviolett. Intensive und einladende Nase, zunächst etwas Rauch und Lakritze, dann viel Brombeere, Dörrpflaumen und Schwarzkirsche, im Hintergrund feine Würze. Blüht am Gaumen grandios auf, viel saftige Frucht, öffnet sich in vielen Schichten, hallt sehr lange nach, präzise und fein. 99/100


Decanter über: Masseto Merlot

-- Decanter: Masseto 2019 will be remembered as the first release with a bracing 10% of Cabernet Franc. Nevertheless, its poised wild fennel aroma with restrained bramble fruit, straw, graphite and balmy Mediterranean depth continues to finely represent the terroir of Bolgheri more than simply its grape varieties. The blue clay gives to the wine density - this year with a larger shoulder - grainy, ripe tannins and great fruit concentration sustained by enticing acidity and a sweet tobacco aftertaste. A sleek wine chiselled to perfection. It will keep going strong for decades. 99/100


Galloni über: Masseto Merlot

-- Galloni: The 2019 Masseto is fabulous. Silky, gracious and super-refined, the 2019 is a total knock-out. So often Masseto is a powerhouse at this stage, but the 2019 is so elegant, so precise. This is the first year that includes Cabernet Franc, 10% in this case. I can’t say I am at all surprised given how much Franc has added to Massetino. Red berry fruit, mocha, cinnamon and blood orange lend freshness throughout. The 2019 has just been bottle, so it's early. But there certainly appears to be a lot to look forward to. 98+/100


Jeb Dunnuck über: Masseto Merlot

-- Jeb Dunnuck: The 2019 Masseto is a remarkably potent wine woven with layers of incense, polished leather, and macchia herbs. The palate is full and refined, with well-managed and fine tannin structure. Luxurious with red and black fruits, it offers notes of pure red apple, blackberry, graphite, and lavender, and it is long and persistent while retaining a transparent nature with a refreshing feel. A beautiful wine, it is showing its pedigree now but should certainly be cellared, as this is going to be a wine to enjoy over the next several decades. 98+/100


Parker über: Masseto Merlot

-- Parker: This bottle opens a new chapter for one of Italy's most celebrated and collected wines. The first vintage made entirely in its dedicated state-of-the-art winery (and the first vintage with a 10% dabble of Cabernet Franc added to what has historically aways been a pure expression of Merlot), the Masseto 2019 Masseto has two main themes at heart: concentration and elegance. And managing those two seemingly contrasting elements requires a little bit of magic. That's the Masseto magic we look for. The 2019 vintage delivers it in spades with lovely concentrated fruit, blackberry, integrated spice, tobacco, crushed slate, pencil shaving and lots of texture and fiber to push a lasting mouthfeel. The wine's richness translates into density and power to the palate, meanwhile the bouquet reveals fluidity and new sides as the wine opens in the glass. The finish is tapered and focused. 98/100


Vinum über: Masseto Merlot

-- Vinum: Ein Potpourri an tiefen beerig-erdigen, aber auch angenehm herbalen Aromen erfüllt nach einiger Belüftung die Nase; am Gaumen ist der Wein opulent, aber auch geschliffen und mit viel hintergründigem Charakter, der Ausklang eine Symbiose zwischen Finesse und Struktur. Schon im Vorjahr grossartig, 2019 aber noch einen Hauch intriganter, ein Prachtexemplar eines grossen Merlot mit einem Hauch Toscanità! 19,5/20

Mein Winzer


Auf dem Luxusweingut Ornellaia entstehen große Weine, die mittlerweile zu den italienischen Klassikern schlechthin gehören und zu den wenigen italienischen Rotweinen mit internationalem Ansehen.

Masseto Merlot 2019