Lobenberg: Strohgelbe Farbe, opulentes Bukett nach reifer Ananas, tropischen Früchten, Karamellbonbons und Buttercreme. Fett. Auf den Gaumen legen sich die Fruchtaromen üppig und cremig, weich und dicht. Und trotzdem ist sie da, die frische Säure. Ein wahrhaftes Monster unter den Übersee-Chardonnays mit perfekter Harmonie. Pahlmeyer legt hier einen Wein vor, der wie ein Riese wirkt. Leicht gekühlt treibt dieser Klassiker den Kalifornien-Fans Freudentränen in die Augen. Überirdischer Trinkgenuss. 96-97/100
Katalog über:
Napa Chardonnay
-- Katalog: -- Parker: I was quite taken with the wines I tasted from Pahlmeyer this year. The 2011 Chardonnay is gorgeous. Layers of lemon pastry, juicy peaches, butter and spices take shape in the glass. The 2011 is a bit restrained for Pahlmeyer, but all the elements are very nicely woven together. There is plenty of varietal character and house style, but in a slightly more reserved way than readers have become accustomed to over the years, mostly because of the cool growing season. This is a beautiful and classy wine through and through. 94/100
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Napa Chardonnay
-- Internet: -- Galloni: Beautifully vivid and alive in the glass, the 2011 Chardonnay impresses for its impeccable balance and pure class. Lemon oil, white flowers, spices and slate all open up in the glass. The 2011 is big and rich in texture yet underpinned by pure mineral-drenched tension and energy. A creamy, layered finish rounds things out in style. The 2011 is a blend of fruit from Wayfarer and Ritchie. Now with a little bottle age it is even better than it was a year ago. 94/100