Las Iruelas Garnacha 2020

Comando G Viticultores: Las Iruelas Garnacha 2020


Zum Winzer

Garnacha 100%
rot, trocken
15,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2025–2045
Verpackt in: 3er OHK
pikant & würzig
frische Säure
Lobenberg: 98/100
Parker: 98/100
Suckling: 97/100
Spanien, Madrid, Sierra de Gredos
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Parker über: Las Iruelas Garnacha

-- Parker: Like the El Reventón, the 2020 Las Iruelas is now a wine from Comando G and no longer a Dani Landi wine, whose personal project came to an end with the 2019 vintage. As with El Reventón, this is still exactly the same wine from the same vineyard in El Tiemblo on slate soils, produced in exactly the same way, matured 50% in oak foudre and the other 50% in concrete. Since 2016, they harvest three times here, as they have three terroir units that behave quite differently. Since then, the wine has gained in precision, subtleness and elegance, combining more Mediterranean and Atlantic characteristics: floral, aromatic, herbal, honey, resin, a sensation of sweetness without being sweet, ethereal but with lots of energy, grip, depth and complexity. It's among the finest vintages for this wine, and the vineyard is slowly revealing itself as one of their finest. 3,401 bottles and 100 magnums produced. It was bottled a little later than the others, in May 2022. 98/100


Suckling über: Las Iruelas Garnacha

-- Suckling: A spicier and more savory expression from Comando G with lots of dried Mediterranean herbs, rosemary, thyme, dried oranges, wild raspberries, white pepper and a hint of mothball. Tangy bitter herbs on the palate with dusty tannins that meld into the dried herb and citrus flavors. The fine, herbal bitterness makes it unique and characterful. Drink or hold. 97/100

Mein Winzer

Comando G Viticultores

Comando G – das G steht für Garnacha, und ebenjene ist die Herzensangelegenheit der beiden spanischen Winzertalente Fernando García & Dani Landi. Dani Landi hat sich seine Sporen bei keinem geringeren als dem umtriebigsten Winemaker Spaniens, Telmo Rodriguez, verdient, der als erster Topwinzer das...

Las Iruelas Garnacha 2020