Pinot Blanc Auerbacher Fürstenlager Dosage Zéro Granit –F– 2019

Griesel & Compagnie: Pinot Blanc Auerbacher Fürstenlager Dosage Zéro Granit –F– 2019

Zum Winzer

Pinot Blanc
weiß, trocken
12,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2025–2044
Verpackt in: 6er
frische Säure
Lobenberg: 97–98/100
Falstaff: 96/100
Parker: 96/100
Deutschland, Hessische Bergstraße
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Falstaff über: Pinot Blanc Auerbacher Fürstenlager Dosage Zéro Granit –F–

-- Falstaff: Geriebener Apfel und brenzlig-mineralische, auch jodige Aromen. Dazu Aromen von Heu und Hefe. Der Gaumen zeigt sich frisch, von feinem Mousseux getragen, sehr spannungsvoll, packend. Im kompakten Abklang verdichten sich eine feste Säure und stoffige Komponenten.


Parker über: Pinot Blanc Auerbacher Fürstenlager Dosage Zéro Granit –F–

-- Parker: The 2019 Granit –F– Pinot Blanc Dosage Zéro Auerbacher Fürstenlager is a clear, pure, fresh and deep, very intense yet initially less fruity than terroir-driven Hessian Bergstrasse sparkling wine from the granite soils of this so-far unpriced single-vineyard wine. The bouquet pairs mineral purity with intensity and complexity without being rich, but ... it's very saline and plays with oxidative as well as reductive elements! Round and elegant on the palate, this is a rich but refined, elegant and weightlessly balanced also fruit-driven sparkling wine whose brioche notes populate the finish but do not dominate the wine. This reveals a spontaneous and fruity character that reminds me of Alsace Grands Crus Brand. The finish is intense, dense and saline, and despite its textural charm, it's always stimulating due to its iodine foundation and oxidative features that we know from certain Champagnes (Lassaigne!) but also Jura wines. In any case, this is a unique sparkling wine at the top level! It's super complex and endlessly saline and always playful and delightful. Disgorged in June this year without any liqueur de dosage or addition of sulfur dioxide, it is more developed than the 2018 Pinot Noir from the same site that was disgorged at the same time but is much more discreet at this stage. 12% alcohol. Natural cork. Tasted in September 2024. To be released in October this year.

Mein Winzer

Griesel & Compagnie

Wer über deutschen Schaumwein spricht, kommt nicht mehr um Griesel drumherum. Das noch relativ junge Sekthaus hat sich innerhalb kürzester Zeit zu den Top-Produzenten in Deutschland hochgearbeitet und bringt die hessische Bergstraße wieder auf die Karte.

Pinot Blanc Auerbacher Fürstenlager Dosage Zéro Granit –F– 2019