Galicien Gaba do Xil blanco Godello 2019

Ladeiras Do Xil – Telmo Rodriguez: Galicien Gaba do Xil blanco Godello 2019

Zum Winzer

Godello 100%
weiß, trocken
13,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2020–2025
Verpackt in: 12er
voll & rund
exotisch & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 90+/100
Suckling: 92/100
Parker: 91+/100
Spanien, Valdeorras
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Galicien Gaba do Xil blanco Godello 2019


Lobenberg: Rund, gehaltvoll und cremig. Sehr direkte Ansprache, schöne Fülle, zarte Töne der Bittermandel, seidige und glasklare Frische und Aromen heller Früchte. 90+/100


Suckling über: Galicien Gaba do Xil blanco Godello

-- Suckling: A fruity white with sliced apple, honey and some pear undertones. It’s medium-bodied with tangy fruit and a flavorful finish. Some dried pineapple and honey at the end. Drink now. 92/100


Parker über: Galicien Gaba do Xil blanco Godello

-- Parker: The white 2019 Gaba do Xil Branco was produced with Godello and some other white grapes from a number of vineyards located between 400 and 500 meters in altitude on red clay and slate soils. This fermented with indigenous yeasts in stainless steel vats, where it matured with lees for four months. These whites show very reductive when young and only start showing well one year after bottling, so at this early stage, you need to guide yourself by the palate rather than the nose. The palate is super granitic, with that chalky dryness and the tasty finish that is almost salty. This year, it's more granite-like than Godello. 2019 is going to be a very good vintage for whites. 143,820 bottles produced. It was bottled in January 2020. 91+/100

Mein Winzer

Ladeiras Do Xil – Telmo Rodriguez

Gemeinsam mit seinem Önologenteam, bestehend aus seinem kongenialen Partner der ersten Stunde, dem baskischen Önologen Pablos Eguzkiza, und dem später hinzu gekommenen Önologen und französischem Basken Richard Echats, entschied das spanische Allround-Talent Telmo Rodriguez sich im Jahre 2002 sich...

Galicien Gaba do Xil blanco Godello 2019