Colore 2018

Bibi Graetz: Colore 2018


Zum Winzer

Sangiovese 90%, Canaiolo 5%, Colorino 5%
rot, trocken
14,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2022–2048
Verpackt in: 3er OHK
pikant & würzig
Lobenberg: 98–100/100
Suckling: 99/100
Parker: 97/100
Decanter: 97/100
Italien, Toscana, Chianti und Vino Nobile
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Colore 2018


Lobenberg: Die Nase zeigt eine tiefe schwarze Kirsche mit Einschüben von Herzkirsche, Himbeere und Blaubeere. Süßliches Leder, Tonkabohne, süßer Tabak, provenzalische Kräuter und Nelkenpfeffer darunter. Am Gaumen ist der Colore schier überwältigend mit unfassbarer Dichte, ultra feinsandigem, massivem Tanninteppich, der den Gaumen in einen dichten dunkelbeerigen Samtschleier einhüllt. Die Frische zieht den Spannungsbogen zwischen der schwarzen Kirsche und der wärmenden Kräutrigkeit auf. Getrockneter Salbei, blühender Thymian im Nachhall. Die immense Dichte des delikaten wie aus einem Guss wirkenden Fruchtkerns wird von der üppigen, aber wollüstig-feinen Tanninstruktur, zweifelsohne mit der eines 1er GCC des linken Ufers vergleichbar, fest zusammengehalten. Der Colore lässt große Fragezeichen entstehen, wie der Wein gleichzeitig so geschliffen fein und doch so immens mächtig sein kann. Große Balance, große Länge, großer Wein. 98-100/100


Suckling über: Colore

-- Suckling: What intense aromas of cherries and raspberries! Then it turns to flowers and orange peel. Roses, too. This is really full and powerful with layers of ripe tannins. It’s super fine-tannined, but shows wonderful length and intensity. A great expression of Lamole in Chianti Classico with ancient vines. Some older than 100 years. Best ever? Superb. Try after 2024 and onwards. 99/100


Parker über: Colore

-- Parker: Compared to the Testamatta that proved more difficult during the blending phase, Bibi Graetz's 2018 Colore came together without a hitch, as he tells it. With this vintage, the Colore (with 9,000 bottles produced) has almost become a single-vineyard wine, since up to 90% of its fruit comes from old vines (these are majestic plants from 80 to 135 years old) in the high-altitude Lamole area where Bibi farms five hectares. The addition of Colorino to this Sangiovese-based wine has been reduced to a mere 5% in this vintage: 'Just like a touch of lipstick,' Bibi says. The Colorino grape adds noticeable lift and buoyancy in this vintage. Next to the Testamatta, you get more structure and backbone here, with deep and penetrating red berry fruit, ruby cherry, crushed aspirin, ferrous earth, crushed flowers and some of the fragrant steeping herbs used in Fernet-Branca. My only hesitation is that the wine takes long to yield on the bouquet, and I coaxed two bottles of Colore over two days before writing this note. As a result, I recommend pushing the drinking window forward by a few extra years to give the wine time to flesh out and open fully. 97/100


Decanter über: Colore

-- Decanter: As with Testamatta, there is a deliciously savoury edge to the spiced raspberry and plum fruits. A beautiful wine combining high acidity and sculpting freshness with concentrated liquorice and feathered tannic hold. A juicy, subtly-layered finish has grip and persistency. Both Bibi Graetz wines stop you in your tracks. Grapes selected from three different vineyards, each one harvested up to eight times to ensure picking only at full ripeness, with vines at least 70 years old. 97/100

Mein Winzer

Bibi Graetz

Bibi Graetz, dessen Familie aus Norwegen stammt, hat sein künstlerisches Talent vom Vater geerbt und ist dazu noch ein begnadeter Winzer. Seine Bilder sind kraftvoll und ziehen den Betrachter in seinen Bann.

Colore 2018