Cheval des Andes 2019

Cheval des Andes: Cheval des Andes 2019


Zum Winzer

Cabernet Sauvignon 50%, Malbec 50%
rot, trocken
14,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2026–2052
Verpackt in: 6er OHK
pikant & würzig
seidig & aromatisch
voluminös & kräftig
Lobenberg: 98–100/100
Tim Atkin: 99/100
Parker: 98/100
Suckling: 97/100
Argentinien, Mendoza
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Cheval des Andes 2019


Lobenberg: Wahrscheinlich vor allen anderen »internationalen« Kooperationen in Südamerika eines der überhaupt besten Preis-Qualitäts-Verhältnisse in Südamerika. Cheval des Andes und Terrazas de los Andes gehören beide zum LVMH Konzern, und so darf Pierre Olivier Clouet, der Weinmacher von Cheval Blanc zusammen mit Winzer Gérald Gabillet zeigen was in diesem »Grand Cru Argentiniens« steckt. Die Kombination aus dem fordernden Klima der Höhenlagen Mendozas zusammen mit top Rebmaterial – vor allem altem, wurzelechtem Malbec – bewirkt hier Wunder. Dunkles violett im Glas. Schwarze Johannisbeere, Brombeeren und ein feines Minzaroma gehen in dunkle Schokolade und Kaffee über. Die Tanninstruktur ist eine Klasse für sich. Das ist ein Wein voller Finesse und Balance und dabei kracht er noch so richtig im Mund. Ein großer Wein für erstaunlich niedrigen Preis! 98-100/100


Tim Atkin über: Cheval des Andes

-- Tim Atkin: Cheval des Andes continues its steady ascent towards the summit of the very best and most sought-after New World reds. I tasted this wine over the space of a day and was very closeto giving it 100 points. Made from an equal blend of Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon, it combines fruit from Las Compuertas and Paraje Altamira to brilliant effect. Aged in 50% new barrels and foudres, it’s effortlessly complex and detailed, with refined tannins, graphite and cut grass aromas, cassis and bramble flavours and remarkable palate length. 2025-40. 99/100


Parker über: Cheval des Andes

-- Parker: The 2019 Cheval des Andes had a more reductive vinification and élevage, making the wine a bit shy and in need of time to open up, as one of their objectives was to make it more age-worthy. Another objective is to get to a 50/50 blend of Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon, which they achieved in this vintage for the first time, going back to the initial character of the wine that was the idea of Argentinean winemaker Roberto de la Mota; so, they are closing the circle and going back to the initial idea, with more implication from the Cheval Blanc team. This is the first vintage fully under the charge of the new French winemaker, Gerald Gabillet, who fermented by plot, isolating some specific parts of the vineyard, like the borders where you tend to get higher yields because of the irrigation. It matured in 225- and 400-liter oak barrels and in oak vats. They used more barrels and vats from Stockinger, which they like and rotate; the wine spends an average of 13 to 14 months in oak, but some lots get 11 months and others get 16. 2019 was a mild vintage, cooler than 2017 and warmer than 2018, with rain at the right time, which helped to avoid hydric stress, and without extremes (which they had in 2020 with three weeks of extreme heat). The wine is young and tender and a bit oaky, which Gerald attributed to the reductiveness; it's ripe without excess, with around 14.2% alcohol, mellow acidity and velvety tannins. There's more Cabernet here, so the aromatic expression can be something between 2017 and 2018, but Cabernet marks the palate a lot and makes the wine more age-worthy, as it provides the structure and length that the Malbec lacks. So, the wine might be less accessible when young and should develop slowly in bottle. It's tasty and supple and has the ingredients and the balance for what they are aiming for. In the following vintages, they follow this path, and Gabillet feels that having more precision allows the wines to reflect the differences between vintages better. They keep producing around 100,000 bottles. It was bottled in late January 2021. The way they want to describe the wine is the Argentinean expression of Cheval Blanc. And I can only agree. 98/100


Suckling über: Cheval des Andes

-- Suckling: A refined but spicy Cheval, showing charcoal, blueberries, wild herbs, lavender and hints of bacon and cedar. Medium to full body with extremely fine tannins that get dialed into the fruit with violet, spices and sweet blue fruit at the end. Long and subtle. Drink or hold. 97/100

Mein Winzer

Cheval des Andes

Als sich das Team des renommierten Premier Grand Cru Châteaus Cheval Blanc aus Saint Emilion mit dem argentinischen Team rund um Terrazas de los Andes zusammenfand, um ein Joint Venture am Fuße der Anden zu gründen, war das Ziel klar: Ein argentinischer Grand Cru muss es werden!

Cheval des Andes 2019