Barolo Riserva Monfortino 2014

Giacomo Conterno: Barolo Riserva Monfortino 2014



Zum Winzer

Nebbiolo 100%
rot, trocken
14,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2024–2061
Verpackt in: 3er OHK
pikant & würzig
Lobenberg: 100/100
Galloni: 100/100
Parker: 100/100
Italien, Piemont
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Barolo Riserva Monfortino 2014


Lobenberg: Monfortino. Weißer Lehm und Eisen in der heißen Mitte des Amphitheaters Cascina Francia. Penibelste biologische Weinbergsarbeit. Handarbeit aus winzigen Erträgen. Im Holz vergoren, im großen Holz für viele Jahre ausgebaut. Ein Kultwein auf dem gleichen Level wie die Granbussia von Cousin Aldo Conterno. Power, ungeheuer tannin- und säurereich und doch Massen an ultrazarter roter Kirsche. Marzipan, helle Schokolade, feiner Tabak. Zum Kauen dicht, Teer und Lakritze, und doch auch extrem definiert und voller Finesse. Zeit geben und nach 20 Jahren niederknien vor diesem Monument. 100/100


Galloni über: Barolo Riserva Monfortino

-- Galloni: When it comes to comparisons of any kind, all bets are off with the 2014 Monfortino, a Barolo that enters the stratosphere of profound and utterly moving beauty. Seamless and elegant in the glass, with stunning aromatics and perfectly ripe tannins, the 2014 is simply breathtaking in its beauty. In 2014, Roberto Conterno waited to harvest this fruit very late. The result is a Barolo that offers the textural opulence of fruit picked at the end of the season with the aromatic depth and structure of a wine from a cool year. Most incredibly of all, the 2014 is a very tannic wine analytically, and yet the sensation is of a Barolo of softness and opulence. A rush of dark red/purplish berry fruit, blood orange, spice, tobacco and mint builds into the rapturous finish. Readers who can find the 2014 when it is released next year should not hesitate, as it will unquestionably go down as one of the greatest Monfortinos ever made. 100/100


Parker über: Barolo Riserva Monfortino

-- Parker: The Giacomo Conterno 2014 Barolo Riserva Monfortino is made with 100% fruit from the Francia cru, which is not the case for the 2015 vintage (that sees 22% Arione in the blend) or likely future vintages. In a sense, this 100-point wine represents a milestone or a chapter finale in the long and exciting trajectory of Italy's collected and revered Monfortino. I've had the great fortune of tasting this wine from barrel over the course of four years and twice again this summer during my visits to the Conterno estates (in Gattinara and in Monforte d'Alba).Roberto Conterno has long been referring to 2014 as 'the vintage of his heart.' There had been challenging rain during the summer, but by the end of August, Roberto knew that a window of warm and dry weather could make 2014 'the vintage of the century,' he tells me. On cue, the skies opened, and the sun came shining through in September and lasted through harvest in the second half of October. As a result, this was a very long growing season and that is something the Nebbiolo grape loves most. You taste this in the tannic quality of the wine that is long, silky, elegant and firm. That quality texture and structure will carry this bottle over a half century of bottling aging, or more.From an analytical point of view, this 2014 vintage is the most tannic Monfortino made in 30 years, but you'd hardly know it thanks to the smooth integration displayed here. The wine's bouquet is nuanced and fine with redcurrant, mint, blood orange, toasted aniseed, baked clay and tarry smoke. Initially, you get a savory touch of succulent grilled meat that adds to the 'chewy' quality of the wine that Roberto Conterno often attributes to his favorite vintages of Monfortino. A note about corks: Extreme care is dedicated to quality control, and each of the 4,000 to 5,000 corks ordered for this wine are sniffed by human noses on team Conterno before making the cut. 100/100

Mein Winzer

Giacomo Conterno

Roberto Conterno ist ein Traditionalist: 35-tägige Maischegärung! Natürlich keine Barriques, sondern traditionelle Botti, keine Schönung, keine Filtration.

Barolo Riserva Monfortino 2014