Chardonnay Bramito 2023

Antinori - Castello della Sala: Chardonnay Bramito 2023

Chardonnay 100%
weiß, trocken
12,5% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2024–2032
Verpackt in: 6er
exotisch & aromatisch
niedrige Säure
voll & rund
Lobenberg: 93/100
Wine Spectator: 91/100
Galloni: 91/100
Italien, Umbrien
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Wine Spectator über: Chardonnay Bramito

-- Wine Spectator: A waft of roasted nut on the nose enriches the palate's lively range of steeped apricot, Mandarin orange peel, pastry cream and chamomile notes. Racy acidity gives the complex profile fine definition and carries this on the well-spiced finish. Drink now through 2033. —A.N.


Galloni über: Chardonnay Bramito

-- Galloni: The 2023 Bramìto della Sala is youthfully coy in the glass, opening with fleeting aromas of raw almond, white flowers, vanilla bean and spice. This is far more enticing on the palate, silken and round, with a core of zesty acidity to contrast. Ripe orchard fruits and minty herbal tones swirl throughout. Crunchy mineral tones and sour citrus define the finish. The 2023 tapers off long and mouth-watering, leaving a resonance of lemon custard to linger. Aromatically, the 2023 still needs time to develop, but with such a wonderful balance within, it will be time well spent.

Mein Winzer

Antinori – Castello della Sala

Die antiken Wurzeln dieser toskanischen Weinbaufamilie gehen bis ins 14. Jahrhundert zurück. Traditionsverbundenheit und innovativer Geist der Familie Antinori haben entscheidend dazu beigetragen, dass das Haus heute den Ruf eines der kreativsten und dynamischten Weinerzeugers in Italien genießt.

Chardonnay Bramito 2023