Sherry La Bota 83 de Manzanilla Pasada BOTA NO

Equipo Navazos: Sherry La Bota 83 de Manzanilla Pasada BOTA NO

Zum Winzer

Palomino Fino 100%
weiß, trocken
16,5% Vol.
Verpackt in: 6er
leicht süss
exotisch & aromatisch
Lobenberg: 97–98/100
Penin: 98/100
Parker: 97+/100
Spanien, Malaga und Jerez
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Penin über: Sherry La Bota 83 de Manzanilla Pasada BOTA NO

-- Penin: Farbe: leuchtendes Gelb. Aroma: Jodnuancen, Nüsse, Lacknoten. Mund: zartbitter, leicht alkoholisch, lang, kraftvoll, salzig. 98/100


Parker über: Sherry La Bota 83 de Manzanilla Pasada BOTA NO

-- Parker: There is great information about each wine on the Equipo Navazos website, and the geeky information for the extraordinary NV La Bota de Manzanilla Pasada 83 Bota NO tells us that 'the wine from this prodigious set of casks was never bottled until Equipo Navazos selected it in 2008 for its 10th release of ‘La Bota de…,’ followed two years later by edition number 20 'Bota Punta.' Then there have been a few very limited releases until, in December 2017, we launched La Bota de Manzanilla Pasada 80 'Bota Punta,' and then in May 2018, this La Bota de Manzanilla Pasada 83 'Bota NO,' again from a single cask of very peculiar character, number 11 out of a solera of 15. This is a very special wine that shows a particular complexity due to an astonishing balance of finesse and chalky minerality, and roasted dry fruit nuances due to the start of the process of amontillamiento. This Manzanilla Pasada is actually [on] the border with a Manzanilla Amontillada, a traditional denomination that, in our opinion, is wrongly banned from labels.' 97+/100

Mein Winzer

Equipo Navazos

Die Equipo Navazos bestehen aus einem Team von erfahrenen Sherry-Experten und Top-Önologen, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht haben der Welt zu beweisen, dass auch heute noch Weltklasse-Weine aus Andalusien kommen können.

Sherry La Bota 83 de Manzanilla Pasada BOTA NO