Sherry La Bota 117 de Amontillado

Equipo Navazos: Sherry La Bota 117 de Amontillado "Navazos"

Zum Winzer

Palomino Fino 100%
weiß, trocken
17,5% Vol.
Verpackt in: 6er
Lobenberg: 98–100/100
Parker: 96/100
Suckling: 96/100
Penin: 95/100
Spanien, Malaga und Jerez
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Sherry La Bota 117 de Amontillado "Navazos"


Lobenberg: Ein nicht aufgespritteter Amontillado (benannt nach dem andalusischewn Ort Montilla), der König des Weins in der Betrachtung des Navazos-Gründers Eduardo Orjeda. Die Alkoholkonzentration geschah über den Jahrzehnte währenden Ausbaus des 100%igen Palomino Fino und die Wasserverdunstung. Ein urprünglicher Fino unter Flor aus Jerez (Manzanilla in Sanlicar genannt), heute erstmals auf Flaschen gezogen. Der Übergang vom reduktiven Fino unter Flor zum oxydativeren Amontillado geschieht oft mittels Alkoholzugabe um die Haltbarkeit zu gewä#hrleisten, dieser Übergang ohne Alkoholzugabe ist ein Balance-Akt, dann aber um so besser. Mahagonifarben, salzig, famose Säure und Frische. Wahnsinnig konzentriert und doch mit Freude trinkbar. Toller Stoff. 98-100/100


Parker über: Sherry La Bota 117 de Amontillado "Navazos"

-- Parker: The NV La Bota de Amontillado Montilla 117 is a new Amontillado from Montilla-Moriles that was never bottled before. Selected from the cellars of Pérez-Barquero, the wine is between 25 to 30 years of average age, not fortified but bottled at 20% alcohol from pure concentration from evaporation, as the Fino that is the base for this wine was never fortified, which is the tradition in Montilla. It's a medium-age Amontillado with textbook characteristics and the evolution of the Fino Amontillado but with some 10 to 12 years more. It's nutty, pungent, intense and sapid, with a saline, iodine twist. This is a bottling from the summer 2022. 3,000 bottles produced. 96/100


Suckling über: Sherry La Bota 117 de Amontillado "Navazos"

-- Suckling: Intense and salty, yet with elegance that shows even on the nose. Electric complexity and layers with salted caramel, iodine, toffee, sweet potato, spices and iodine. Super intense and creamy, with dissipated flavors in the back of the palate that grow and extend. Lots of finesse after lengthy aging of around 30 years. Endless. Saca from October, 2022. Drink now.


Penin über: Sherry La Bota 117 de Amontillado "Navazos"

-- Penin: Dunkles Mahagonibraun. In der Nase kandierte Früchte und in Likör eingelegte Früchte. Würzig mit Röstaromen. Im Mund Anklänge von Solera. Zartbitter. 95/100

Weingut über: Sherry La Bota 117 de Amontillado "Navazos"

-- Weingut: La Bota de Amontillado 117 “Navazos” is, by style and breed, the natural continuation of an exciting series of amontillados that constitute, like few other wines, the backbone of the adventure that we began in 2005 under the name of Equipo Navazos. From the mythical number 1 with which the journey began, passing through those numbered 9, 37, 58 and 95, to all of whom we have lent the last name “Navazos” because they represent the ideal balance between complexity and freshness that in our opinion makes amontillado the king of wines. This time we have moved from Sanlúcar to Montilla, looking for something new and because we had to take advantage of the opportunity of a spectacularly fine and lively amontillado, delicious, fluid and at the same time with a lot of character. It is a wine of more than 20 years of average age from Altos de Moriles, first aged for a long time as a fino and during its first oxidative stage in a prestigious winery in Lucena, which was followed by a definitive stage for fining in Pérez Barquero. It has never been fortified and its alcohol content is limited, below 18%, which contributes to its freshness on the palate. To drink and enjoy without measure, between 11ºC and 13ºC. A wonderfully gastronomic wine that harmonizes with a wide variety of dishes, as well as a delicious glass in itself.

Mein Winzer

Equipo Navazos

Die Equipo Navazos bestehen aus einem Team von erfahrenen Sherry-Experten und Top-Önologen, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht haben der Welt zu beweisen, dass auch heute noch Weltklasse-Weine aus Andalusien kommen können.

Sherry La Bota 117 de Amontillado