Etna Rosso Calderara Sottana Grand Cru 2016

Terre Nere Etna Rosso Calderara Sottana 2016

Zum Winzer

Nerello Mascalese 100%
rot, trocken
14,0% Vol.
Trinkreife: 2020–2040
Verpackt in: 6er
pikant & würzig
Lobenberg: 95–96/100
Suckling: 98/100
Galloni: 96+/100
Falstaff: 96/100
Parker: 94/100
Italien, Sizilien
Allergene: Sulfite, Abfüllerinformation

Heiner Lobenberg über:
Etna Rosso Calderara Sottana Grand Cru 2016


Lobenberg: Sattes, dunkles Rot. Fette rote Kirsche, Organgenzesten, etwas Minze, Balsamico. Gesteinsmehl und Felsgestein, faszinierende Mineralität under der feisten roten kirschpflaumigen Frucht. Sogar Blaubeere mit provencalisachen Gewürzen. Und doch fast burgundisch im Trinkfluss, für Nerello dennoch ungewöhnlich wuchtig und dicht. 95-96/100


Suckling über: Etna Rosso Calderara Sottana Grand Cru

-- Suckling: Intense orange-peel aromas highlight the ripe-fruit and smoked-meat character. Full-bodied with round and chewy tannins and an intense, flavorful finish. Focused and driven. Needs time to soften. Better in 2020. 98/100


Galloni über: Etna Rosso Calderara Sottana Grand Cru

-- Galloni: Moderately saturated brilliant crimson red. Minty and balsamic nuances complement the very elegant aromas of strawberry, red cherry, rose petal, savory herbs and crushed rocks. Clean and fresh yet also very rich and ripe, with a steely core of red/black fruit nicely framed by silky tannins and harmonious acidity. Finishes very suave and smooth, boasting a highly multifaceted and concentrated personality. To put it in perspective, this currently offers more flesh and depth than Terre Nere’s also outstanding Etna Rosso Guardiola and San Lorenzo, but also greater steely resolve, a very typical finding in Calderara Sottana, a contrada characterized by extremely poor stony soil. Let me be crystal-clear: this is one of the two/three best Calderara Sottana wines from Terre Nere ever, and I should know having tasted all of them multiple times over the years. 96+/100


Falstaff über: Etna Rosso Calderara Sottana Grand Cru

-- Falstaff: Mitteldichtes Rubin mit Granatschimmer. Ansprechende und vielschichtige Nase, zeigt Noten nach Rhabarber, Feuerstein und Thymian, etwas getrocknete Orangenschale. Am Gaumen dichtmaschiges, sehr gut eingebundenes Tannin, baut sich in vielen Schichten auf, salzig, hallt lange nach, süßer Schmelz. 96/100


Parker über: Etna Rosso Calderara Sottana Grand Cru

-- Parker: Tenuta delle Terre Nere selected three single-vineyard wines that it classifies as Grande Terroir Ellittico; the 2016 Etna Rosso Calderara Sottana is one of those three wines. The wine does indeed show a higher level of complexity and increased depth that is especially apparent in the mouth. The wine has a firm tannin backbone that bodes very well for its future evolution. This is a crisp, sharp and structured Etna red wine. Nerello Mascalese is blended with 2% Nerello Cappuccio. Some 14,000 bottles were made. 94/100

Mein Winzer

Terre Nere

Die Tenuta delle Terre Nere befindet sich auf der Nordseite, auf halber Höhe des Ätna in fast 1000 Metern Höhe. Die Seele des Betriebs ist der Gründer Marco de Grazia, Weinkenner und früher weltweit berühmter Weinagent.

Etna Rosso Calderara Sottana Grand Cru 2016